Rabu, 29 April 2015

Get Vulnerable, GO Public: Sheri

I see this quite a bit: people come to see me and initially the transformation they want is a number on the scale or a certain clothing size. At first, that's what excites them most. But at the end of this, most of them would say they like being smaller but the best part of the journey is how their heart, mindset, relationships, and belief in themselves has changed. 

Sheri is the perfect example of this. Get ready to be inspired by her incredible journey:

Sheri's Before and After

How did you you feel before DBC? 

Before Destination Boot Camp I had mixed emotions.  I had started to lose some weight before going to DBC in October and was feeling good about the loss but I knew that I was going to be in for a long, tough journey that was going to take me places in my mind that I did not want to go to.  I was excited about being with a group of supportive people that I knew could help me but did not necessarily believe that they would help me or that I would be willing to do the work it was going to take.

What was the moment when you actually realized you were transforming? 

When I look back at the journey it is hard for me to think of a time when a realized that I was transforming.  Early on I thought transformation came when I lost a significant amount of physical weight and was down 5 sizes in my clothes.  I later realized that the weight loss was only a small part of that.  It really set in for me a few weeks ago when I sat down to write my story and realized that I was wiling to share details that have always been kept close and bottled up.  Allowing myself to discuss my story was so much more significant than losing all the weight.  During this same time, I was also struggling with not continuing to lose the weight like I had in the past.  Even though I was frustrated with the scale, managing to stay committed to the plan, eat right, and get in my exercise was a huge accomplishment for me.  It would have been much easier to give up on myself. Before DBC I would have quit, but now I will never quit.

How do you feel now? 

Physically I feel really good.  I have struggled with some injuries along the way but still feel great.  I have participated in so many activities that I have not been able to do for many years.  My ability to do simple things like walk up stairs, and put on socks and shoes with ease is amazing to me.  I did not realize at the time how difficult small daily tasks were.  Mentally I feel like I could take on so much more than in the past.  Every day I think about what new and exciting things the day will bring rather than how will I get through the day with so much to do.

What are you most proud of with your transformation journey?  

I am very proud of realizing that I have the ability to get on a plan and stick with it.  I have had ups and downs on the journey but I have stayed true to myself and have not waivered from the path that I chose to take.  Even when it has been hard, I have managed to get my thoughts in line with what I have been trying to accomplish.  I am very proud of how committed I have been and how my young son has seen his mom grow.  Just today he said to me, "Mommy I sure like the new mommy better than the old one.  I am so happy that you have changed."

What is the biggest lesson/takeaway you've had through DBC?  

I have learned so much while on this journey.  I am physically and mentally much stronger than I ever gave myself credit for.  Before DBC I thought that I was active and was doing things with family and friends. I have now realized that what I thought was being active was not much more than getting by.  I have seen how much more fulfilling my life can be and now know that I have the strength to make my future whatever I choose for it to be.  I choose me.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Get Vulnerable, GO Public: Chris

Most people come to me wanting a new diet or exercise secret they haven't heard before. And sure, there are definitely things I know about nutrition and exercise that can help lose weight. But the one place people forget to look is inside themselves, especially at their thoughts, mindsets, and beliefs. 

Chris is the ultimate testimony of what it looks like to change your mind and see your body change as a result of that. I'm so proud of her and how far she's come in 6 short months with State of Slim and Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp. Read her story below.

How did you feel before DBC?

Frankly, I had just about given up on my quest for a sleek, slim body. At the advancing age of 73, I had tried and failed at most of the diets on the planet. I was ready to settle for the body I had and throw in the towel and just be content to be fat. 

I had watched "Extreme Weight Loss" on TV and saw that at the end, the central weight loss individual paid it forward with a week at Anshutz Wellness Center. It was a glimmer of hope, and, when I investigated the wellness center on the internet I decided to call. I signed up immediately and said to myself, "this is the last thing I will try". I entered the program with growing fear and trepidation; after all, I wasn't a young person anymore. . . would I be able to do the program? But, I went anyway and that began the beginning of a new journey.

What was the moment when you actually realized you were transforming?

Actually, I began to shift my brain and transform my dialog with myself the very first session we had with Dr. Holly. She was trying to get Chris and Heidi Powell using Facetime on the classroom TV, when lo and behold!! In they walked to our session and began to speak honestly with us. 

At that moment, I was ready to hear what they shared, but most of all I was struck with their message that one needs to be in integrity with oneself in order to get their mind right. That notion hit me like a thunderbolt, as I realized that I have not lived my life in integrity with my own self. Imagine that! I realized my behavior, my bargaining with myself, my lying to myself was a self-sabotage and kept me from attaining the body I wanted. Integrity with oneself is a core principal for living a life of congruence and truth. I was not standing in my own truth and living from that place, so that was the turning point for me.

How do you feel now?

Oddly enough, my weight loss journey has been steady, but in visiting my physician in early January, I learned that I needed major spinal surgery. After having lost a considerable amount of weight, I was worried that I would have to quit the program, since I would not be able physically to do strenuous workouts anymore. I conferred with Dr. Holly and she assured me that I could continue on the program but she would help me modify it to my specific physical limitations. The doctor told me I could not do strenuous exercise for 9 months to a year after surgery, and I would have to wear a daily back brace to keep my spine healing. All I could do was walk! Dr. Holly helped me realize, even with the restrictions and only walking I could still attain my goals; she strongly believed I could do it. As of this day in early April, now being past surgery for 5 weeks, I am 12 pounds from my goal (!!!) and am walking with joy and with Dr. Holly's encouraging help, I know I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I finally have gotten my mind right and feel healthy and confident. I am finally living in integrity with myself and it fills me with positivity.

What are you most proud of with your transformational journey?

All of the above, really, but in my gut I am proud that I stayed with the program, even when the going got rough. I've never stayed on a weight loss program as long as I've stayed on Destination Boot Camp; I've always bailed after a month or so and beat myself up for being such a failure. With DBC it's such a multi-faceted program and supported me when I needed it, that giving up was simply not an option. And, after 6 months I am almost at my goal and still feeling healthy and strong, is amazing to me. Such a gift it has been for my life. And now, heading to the ripe age of 74, I face my golden years with joy in my heart and a bounce in my walk.

What is the biggest lesson/takeaway you've had through DBC?

I know that I am on my own journey and that I must live from a place of truth and integrity with myself first, because then all else falls in line -- my relationship to my family and my friends all benefit because I am not lying or hiding or coming from a place of fear. I am truly free.

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Get Vulnerable, GO Public: Lisa

I believe the most powerful tool for inspiration is other people's stories. Nothing motivates me more than someone else on the same journey, just a few steps further down the road. Thank you to Lisa for sharing her story with me!

Lisa's Before Photos

Half way there! Lisa's 6 month update!

How did you feel before Boot Camp?
Before Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp I felt like a failure regarding weight loss. I thought I just couldn't do it. I had a lot of excuses in my life: "I deserve to eat these..." "I've been trying to lose for so long." "I will never lose the weight."  I also was an emotional eater. I'd feel a strong emotion (happy, sad, angry, frustrated, etc) and just eat whatever was closest. 

What was the moment when you actually realized you were transforming?
The moment I felt I was transforming was actually at Bootcamp. I initially went to camp with the attitude that I'd just do this program for a little while. I didn't think I had the power to permanently change. But being at camp with all the other bootcampers, and hearing all their stories made me realize that I did have the power within me. 

How do you feel now?
I feel SO much better and 35 lbs lighter! I have a lot more energy and my joints are much less sore. I feel emotionally strong and I feel for that first time that I have the will power to eat healthy. That's huge for me!

What are you most proud of with your transformation journey?
I'm most proud of sticking to this plan for as long as I have and am down 35 lbs so far!

What is the biggest lesson/takeaway you've had through DBC?
My biggest lesson is recognizing I am a food addict, but now I have the power to beat this. 

Kamis, 09 April 2015

New Year's Revolution Challenge: My Final Video and Accountability

I can't tell you how incredibly proud I am of each and every one of you. You did such an amazing job over these past 12 weeks giving it all you've got! I recorded my final New Year's Revolution Challenge video and my final Accountability post.

I didn't do the challenge perfectly. But guess what? No one did. And that's not a bad thing. Perfection isn't reality. If you expect perfection then you should really be expecting to fail. Your success isn't determined by your perfection or whether or not you hit your goal. It's about your effort. Did you give it all you had? If you didn't, what were the things that kept you from giving 100%? Was it your mindset? Your nutrition? This ins't about being hard on yourself. It's about learning so you can be better next time. We're all imperfect people working together to be our best, perfectly imperfect selves. I couldn't be more proud to do this with you!! 

Rabu, 01 April 2015

FINAL WEEK: Week 12 of the New Year's Revolution Challenge

Can you believe it? It's the final week of the New Year's Revolution Challenge! This week, I want you all to finish strong! Let's sprint to the finish line! And instead of dwelling on the places where you didn't do it perfectly, I want you to think about the places where you did well. Focus on your victories!