Address your barrier, but instead of spending all of your energy thinking about you can't do, spend energy thinking about what you can do. I hear so many excuses all the time: "If I was chosen for Extreme Weight Loss... If Chris and Heidi were helping me... If I didn't have a bad back... If my family supported me... Watch my video blog to really help you excuse-proof your journey:
Hannah had a fractured foot-- that was a legitimate roadblock. But she didn't let that stop her; she found ways to work around her injury. Spend your energy thinking about what you can do, not what you can't do. Refuse to let your excuses get in your way. This is the result of living with No Excuses!
This week, I'm challenging to look at the barriers you have in your life. Instead of telling me what you CAN'T do with them, tell me what you CAN do. Share it on the Dr. Holly page!
If you need help living in a no-excuse zone, check out State of Slim and Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp. Both of these CU Anschutz Health & Wellness Center weight loss programs teach you how to live with NO excuses and NO regrets!