Rabu, 16 November 2016

My WHY: Tammy

Tammy is one of those people who inspires you and motivates you to be a better version of yourself, just by the way she lives. That's why I asked her if she would share her story. I'm so proud of her and the way that she has fully embraced what it means to truly TRANSFORM.

Before, in December 2015

1.    How did you feel before SoS? 

Before starting the program, I was feeling lost.  At 51 years old, I have a successful career as an IT Professional.  I have focused so much on school and work over the years, that my personal life, and health, took a backseat.  I was an extremely lonely woman.  I went out on occasion with my fiends but spent the majority of my time at home, watching television.  I still had fun and smiled, but I really was not feeling alive.  Being single with no children, I focused my time on my work.  I had a feeling of hopelessness about my personal future.  I’m Type 2 Diabetic (uncontrolled) so I had that to worry about too.  My negative self-talk was a bit out of control to say the least.  I was truly my own worst enemy. 

2.    Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?

I luckily woke up one day in Dec 2015.  I knew I had to do something about my weight and about my life once I got home from the holidays.  My mom passed away at 73 in May 2015 which threw me into a tailspin.  I cared about very little last year except work and getting things done around the house.  In 1994, at my highest weight, I was 316 pounds.  The number still shocks me.  But it happened.  At the start of 2016, I was 270 pounds.  I started what I normally do by making better choices and lost 25 pounds before hitting the ever annoying plateau.  I’ve been overweight, morbidly obese, most of my life.  A term I hate.  I wanted no more of that!!!  I scheduled a consultation visit with Dr. Holly.  I will remember the day I met Dr. Holly in February 2016 for the rest of my life.   I was excited to start my journey and March seem a long way away.  We only talked for a few minutes when I knew I would be signing up for the whole year starting in March.  I immediately went downstairs to sign up.  I had hope now.  I’ve lost weight before, a lot of weight, but will it stay off this time?  I finally was hopeful.  I am the “Definition of Insanity” when it comes to weight loss.  I decided I had to try something different and hopefully get different results. The first week was incredible!  I was nervous I couldn’t keep up with the others but I was going to give it everything I had in me.  Amazingly enough, I did much better than I thought.  My body was responding to all these new activities!  One of the best weeks of my life!  At least at that point…..

Living in the Arena!

How does my weight loss journey now compare to what I thought going into it, you ask?  Night and day!!  The weight loss has been a side benefit.  Not the main result.  Not what I expected at all.  I had no idea that meeting 29 other people with the same weight issues would have such an impact on me.  The program has been transforming me day after day to the person I truly want to be - the Tammy who has been in my head for decades, not the one looking back in the mirror.  Dr. Holly has shown me ways to get the weight off, get more active and work on my mindset.  I’ve got this!!  I have a about 4 months until my 1 year graduation.  I am positive I will hit my goal weight.  I have ups and downs like everyone else. There are days that I struggle to keep on plan but I know I can call a super friend and talk through it.  This isn’t a one-year process, it’s the rest of my life.  I know I will be able to keep the weight off this time.  I am learning what emotions will de-rail me and what to do about it.  Tools in my toolbox as they say.  I continue to have more and more of “the best days and weeks of my life!”

3. What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?   
My weight wasn’t my issue with dating as much as it was with my “being”.  I wasn’t happy and it showed.  Even when I smiled and looked happy, I believe others picked up that it was not a true happy.  I don’t know what exact day it was but about 3-4 months in, I found out what “loving myself” was really about.  The negative self-talk had just about disappeared, the smile on my face was real. I love who I am becoming on the inside as well as the outside.  And it shows!  I’ve been told by some of my friends that I have a glow about me.  Maybe it’s all the water or maybe, just maybe, I’m starting to live a fun filled energetic life where tv is not my main entertainment.  I have confidence in myself at work, but now I have more confidence socially.  I hold my head up high and talk to everyone.  I have found that being shy wasn’t working for me.  I love this new question I constantly ask myself now – “Is it working for me?  If no, then FIX IT!!”.  I’m taking some baby steps and fixing one thing at a time.  There are moments I still feel lonely, but it’s more because I have filled that time with something productive.

Living large before a concert

4. What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 
I’m so proud of myself for not giving up.  I have up and down days, but you start at the next meal and get back on it.  I’m so grateful for Dr. Holly and the amazing program that is now part of my new life.  I have new friends I know will be lifelong friends.  I also have new friends from other SOS groups that I can go hiking, exercise, 5Ks and other fun things with.  This program has worked so well for me in such a short amount of time, that my Dr. actually put a smiley face on my report due to the great weight loss and normal blood work results.  I have just one diabetes medication that I’m on now.  I feel great all the time with great energy.  The most grateful part of this journey besides my new friends and life is that I know I can use this plan to stay fit and at a healthy weight the rest of my life.  I’ve made it easy for me in my new lifestyle and with my extensive travel to make healthy decisions.

At a 5K in September

5. If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?  Don’t wait another minute!!!  Life is too short to not be the person you want to be.  Start now, it doesn’t matter how old you are, what your circumstances are, you can do it.  Health and happiness is in your immediate future.  You will be given the tools and super friends that will guide you and be there for you every step of the way.  I wish I had this opportunity decades ago but am grateful every day that I signed up one cold Colorado Winter day.  You will not regret this choice to start a journey of transformation, that includes weight loss.  Your healthy, happy YOU is waiting for you to begin!  

At Huntington Beach in August

6. How do you feel now?  
Absolutely AMAZING!!  I’m full of energy and most days jump out of bed in the morning.   I am loving the ability to wear cute clothes and get ready to go out.  I have better posture, I fit into air plane seats and have a new outlook on life.  I’ve gone from a size 24 to a size 10. I can’t wait to see how I feel when I hit goal.  I’m smiling all the time because I’m truly happy and feel great.  I park further away to get more steps in.  I travel a lot so I stay in hotels.  I try to use the stairs down….and UP… as much as I can.  I am not out of breath when I get to my floor.  I don’t worry about climbing stairs to see a Bronco game with my friends.  I can’t say enough about the changes in not just my body but my mind and how that plays out in my every day life now!  I’m excited to start planning trips that involve bicycling, hiking, small aircraft, etc.  I don’t feel that I have any restraints on myself.  I have a lot of living to do and it has already started.  I have areas to work on like strength and endurance training.  That will only make me feel better than I already do.


7. What has been the most valuable part of SoS?    
My Super Friends have been the most valuable!  There are 29 other super friends that I have now that support me and I support them.  I know I have a new group of lifelong friends that I can call when I need support or just say “Hi”.  This Summer, a bunch of us got together for an extended weekend to support our friend doing her first 5K.  One of the best 5 days of my life!!  A group of us went to Disneyland, we went Paddle Boarding (a new favorite of mine now), did the Tiki Beach 5K (my first time jogging with my super friend Lori encouraging me), beach yoga and hanging out.  I look forward to many, many more of these get togethers.  I was even dared to talk to a cute guy on the beach…..I did!  So much fun and have a picture to prove it.  I don’t feel like I’m going through this journey alone.  We all use Facebook, text or even phone each other.  I can’t say enough about how valuable my new friends have been for me to stay on track, be accountable, get great feedback but also to support others and share what is working for me and help them as well.

At a 5K in May

8. How has this journey changed your life? How?   
My life has changed in every way.  I have done 5 x 5Ks, a 7k and a 10k this Summer.  I’ve always have said that I would only run if I was being chased!  Who is this person that woke up at 4:30am to do a 10K?  Seriously, I never thought I’d be that girl!  I’m walking/jogging now and am working towards being able to jog a mile non-stop.  I have exercise induced asthma.  I would love to make that an excuse but I can no longer allow myself to let that hold me back.  I get stronger and stronger every race.

I was asked to find a before picture.  I had trouble finding many pictures of me that was a full body picture.  I was always standing in the back of a group or had my picture be just my upper body.  Now, I have to ask for a full body picture.  I am having a blast getting pictures of me and my friends out hiking, doing 5Ks, dressing up for Halloween, etc.  I love looking back at the pictures of my journey. 

Doing new and exciting things out of my comfort zone is a new way of life.  The 5Ks are just a small piece of it.  For my 6 month goal, I went zip lining for the very first time in my life.  Scared?  Heck ya!  I’m not great with heights but I was “GONNA DO IT!”  I was always too heavy to do zip lining.  I had a blast!  Six zip lines in Conifer, CO.  One was the longest and another the fastest line in Colorado.  I’m so grateful to live in such a beautiful state!  I don’t need to look up the weight limits any more.  How cool is that?!  I just bought some coupons to do Indoor Sky Diving.  I can’t wait! Horseback riding?  Have to find some time. 

Another interesting change has been with clothing.  I am having a blast getting new jackets for Winter, smaller clothes and shopping in “normal” stores.  I’m a large now and get so excited when something fits and looks great.  I travel about 50% of the time.  I had to buy a smaller suitcase due to my smaller clothes taking a lot less space.  That was a fun day!

I finally went to my first speed dating event.  I had a great time.  I talked to all the guys and ended my matching with 3 of them.  After a lifetime of barely any dates, never married and no children, I am now excited about dating and going out and being myself.  I have more confidence where I would be very uncomfortable before.  I have a new outlook about having fun and not worrying so much on the outcome.  I love that new feeling.

9. What have your discovered about your WHY?   
My original WHY was to fit into air plane seats and not be embarrassed, go horseback riding, not pay for 2 seats on helicopters and fit into roller coaster seats.  I am also Type 2 Diabetic so getting that under control and getting off the diabetes pills was part of my WHY.  It was a great set of WHYs.  Not to mention making my mom happy that I finally got serious about losing weight, even though she’s not here to be a part of my journey.  These were good WHYs going in and has kept me going through the transformation.  Those WHYs made sense, but that wasn’t what I was looking for.  Those were the “symptoms”, not the “cause”.  I didn’t know that back in March.  My original WHY was also not to feel so lonely all the time.

During a hike in Allenspark

10. Has your WHY changed since you started?   
My WHY has definitely changed.  It’s not about being healthy and thin any more.  It’s about being the best I can be.  Participating in activities and pushing my physical and mental self.  Being social and going out, speed dating and always saying YES – count me in!  No more hoping that something would change, but BEING MY OWN CHANGE!  I’m starting to find ways to Pay it Forward.  A great new change to my WHY. No Excuses!  No Regrets!!

My WHY: Tammy

Tammy is one of those people who inspires you and motivates you to be a better version of yourself, just by the way she lives. That's why I asked her if she would share her story. I'm so proud of her and the way that she has fully embraced what it means to truly TRANSFORM.

Before, in December 2015

1.    How did you feel before SoS? 

Before starting the program, I was feeling lost.  At 51 years old, I have a successful career as an IT Professional.  I have focused so much on school and work over the years, that my personal life, and health, took a backseat.  I was an extremely lonely woman.  I went out on occasion with my fiends but spent the majority of my time at home, watching television.  I still had fun and smiled, but I really was not feeling alive.  Being single with no children, I focused my time on my work.  I had a feeling of hopelessness about my personal future.  I’m Type 2 Diabetic (uncontrolled) so I had that to worry about too.  My negative self-talk was a bit out of control to say the least.  I was truly my own worst enemy. 

2.    Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?

I luckily woke up one day in Dec 2015.  I knew I had to do something about my weight and about my life once I got home from the holidays.  My mom passed away at 73 in May 2015 which threw me into a tailspin.  I cared about very little last year except work and getting things done around the house.  In 1994, at my highest weight, I was 316 pounds.  The number still shocks me.  But it happened.  At the start of 2016, I was 270 pounds.  I started what I normally do by making better choices and lost 25 pounds before hitting the ever annoying plateau.  I’ve been overweight, morbidly obese, most of my life.  A term I hate.  I wanted no more of that!!!  I scheduled a consultation visit with Dr. Holly.  I will remember the day I met Dr. Holly in February 2016 for the rest of my life.   I was excited to start my journey and March seem a long way away.  We only talked for a few minutes when I knew I would be signing up for the whole year starting in March.  I immediately went downstairs to sign up.  I had hope now.  I’ve lost weight before, a lot of weight, but will it stay off this time?  I finally was hopeful.  I am the “Definition of Insanity” when it comes to weight loss.  I decided I had to try something different and hopefully get different results. The first week was incredible!  I was nervous I couldn’t keep up with the others but I was going to give it everything I had in me.  Amazingly enough, I did much better than I thought.  My body was responding to all these new activities!  One of the best weeks of my life!  At least at that point…..

Living in the Arena!

How does my weight loss journey now compare to what I thought going into it, you ask?  Night and day!!  The weight loss has been a side benefit.  Not the main result.  Not what I expected at all.  I had no idea that meeting 29 other people with the same weight issues would have such an impact on me.  The program has been transforming me day after day to the person I truly want to be - the Tammy who has been in my head for decades, not the one looking back in the mirror.  Dr. Holly has shown me ways to get the weight off, get more active and work on my mindset.  I’ve got this!!  I have a about 4 months until my 1 year graduation.  I am positive I will hit my goal weight.  I have ups and downs like everyone else. There are days that I struggle to keep on plan but I know I can call a super friend and talk through it.  This isn’t a one-year process, it’s the rest of my life.  I know I will be able to keep the weight off this time.  I am learning what emotions will de-rail me and what to do about it.  Tools in my toolbox as they say.  I continue to have more and more of “the best days and weeks of my life!”

3. What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?   
My weight wasn’t my issue with dating as much as it was with my “being”.  I wasn’t happy and it showed.  Even when I smiled and looked happy, I believe others picked up that it was not a true happy.  I don’t know what exact day it was but about 3-4 months in, I found out what “loving myself” was really about.  The negative self-talk had just about disappeared, the smile on my face was real. I love who I am becoming on the inside as well as the outside.  And it shows!  I’ve been told by some of my friends that I have a glow about me.  Maybe it’s all the water or maybe, just maybe, I’m starting to live a fun filled energetic life where tv is not my main entertainment.  I have confidence in myself at work, but now I have more confidence socially.  I hold my head up high and talk to everyone.  I have found that being shy wasn’t working for me.  I love this new question I constantly ask myself now – “Is it working for me?  If no, then FIX IT!!”.  I’m taking some baby steps and fixing one thing at a time.  There are moments I still feel lonely, but it’s more because I have filled that time with something productive.

Living large before a concert

4. What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 
I’m so proud of myself for not giving up.  I have up and down days, but you start at the next meal and get back on it.  I’m so grateful for Dr. Holly and the amazing program that is now part of my new life.  I have new friends I know will be lifelong friends.  I also have new friends from other SOS groups that I can go hiking, exercise, 5Ks and other fun things with.  This program has worked so well for me in such a short amount of time, that my Dr. actually put a smiley face on my report due to the great weight loss and normal blood work results.  I have just one diabetes medication that I’m on now.  I feel great all the time with great energy.  The most grateful part of this journey besides my new friends and life is that I know I can use this plan to stay fit and at a healthy weight the rest of my life.  I’ve made it easy for me in my new lifestyle and with my extensive travel to make healthy decisions.

At a 5K in September

5. If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?  Don’t wait another minute!!!  Life is too short to not be the person you want to be.  Start now, it doesn’t matter how old you are, what your circumstances are, you can do it.  Health and happiness is in your immediate future.  You will be given the tools and super friends that will guide you and be there for you every step of the way.  I wish I had this opportunity decades ago but am grateful every day that I signed up one cold Colorado Winter day.  You will not regret this choice to start a journey of transformation, that includes weight loss.  Your healthy, happy YOU is waiting for you to begin!  

At Huntington Beach in August

6. How do you feel now?  
Absolutely AMAZING!!  I’m full of energy and most days jump out of bed in the morning.   I am loving the ability to wear cute clothes and get ready to go out.  I have better posture, I fit into air plane seats and have a new outlook on life.  I’ve gone from a size 24 to a size 10. I can’t wait to see how I feel when I hit goal.  I’m smiling all the time because I’m truly happy and feel great.  I park further away to get more steps in.  I travel a lot so I stay in hotels.  I try to use the stairs down….and UP… as much as I can.  I am not out of breath when I get to my floor.  I don’t worry about climbing stairs to see a Bronco game with my friends.  I can’t say enough about the changes in not just my body but my mind and how that plays out in my every day life now!  I’m excited to start planning trips that involve bicycling, hiking, small aircraft, etc.  I don’t feel that I have any restraints on myself.  I have a lot of living to do and it has already started.  I have areas to work on like strength and endurance training.  That will only make me feel better than I already do.


7. What has been the most valuable part of SoS?    
My Super Friends have been the most valuable!  There are 29 other super friends that I have now that support me and I support them.  I know I have a new group of lifelong friends that I can call when I need support or just say “Hi”.  This Summer, a bunch of us got together for an extended weekend to support our friend doing her first 5K.  One of the best 5 days of my life!!  A group of us went to Disneyland, we went Paddle Boarding (a new favorite of mine now), did the Tiki Beach 5K (my first time jogging with my super friend Lori encouraging me), beach yoga and hanging out.  I look forward to many, many more of these get togethers.  I was even dared to talk to a cute guy on the beach…..I did!  So much fun and have a picture to prove it.  I don’t feel like I’m going through this journey alone.  We all use Facebook, text or even phone each other.  I can’t say enough about how valuable my new friends have been for me to stay on track, be accountable, get great feedback but also to support others and share what is working for me and help them as well.

At a 5K in May

8. How has this journey changed your life? How?   
My life has changed in every way.  I have done 5 x 5Ks, a 7k and a 10k this Summer.  I’ve always have said that I would only run if I was being chased!  Who is this person that woke up at 4:30am to do a 10K?  Seriously, I never thought I’d be that girl!  I’m walking/jogging now and am working towards being able to jog a mile non-stop.  I have exercise induced asthma.  I would love to make that an excuse but I can no longer allow myself to let that hold me back.  I get stronger and stronger every race.

I was asked to find a before picture.  I had trouble finding many pictures of me that was a full body picture.  I was always standing in the back of a group or had my picture be just my upper body.  Now, I have to ask for a full body picture.  I am having a blast getting pictures of me and my friends out hiking, doing 5Ks, dressing up for Halloween, etc.  I love looking back at the pictures of my journey. 

Doing new and exciting things out of my comfort zone is a new way of life.  The 5Ks are just a small piece of it.  For my 6 month goal, I went zip lining for the very first time in my life.  Scared?  Heck ya!  I’m not great with heights but I was “GONNA DO IT!”  I was always too heavy to do zip lining.  I had a blast!  Six zip lines in Conifer, CO.  One was the longest and another the fastest line in Colorado.  I’m so grateful to live in such a beautiful state!  I don’t need to look up the weight limits any more.  How cool is that?!  I just bought some coupons to do Indoor Sky Diving.  I can’t wait! Horseback riding?  Have to find some time. 

Another interesting change has been with clothing.  I am having a blast getting new jackets for Winter, smaller clothes and shopping in “normal” stores.  I’m a large now and get so excited when something fits and looks great.  I travel about 50% of the time.  I had to buy a smaller suitcase due to my smaller clothes taking a lot less space.  That was a fun day!

I finally went to my first speed dating event.  I had a great time.  I talked to all the guys and ended my matching with 3 of them.  After a lifetime of barely any dates, never married and no children, I am now excited about dating and going out and being myself.  I have more confidence where I would be very uncomfortable before.  I have a new outlook about having fun and not worrying so much on the outcome.  I love that new feeling.

9. What have your discovered about your WHY?   
My original WHY was to fit into air plane seats and not be embarrassed, go horseback riding, not pay for 2 seats on helicopters and fit into roller coaster seats.  I am also Type 2 Diabetic so getting that under control and getting off the diabetes pills was part of my WHY.  It was a great set of WHYs.  Not to mention making my mom happy that I finally got serious about losing weight, even though she’s not here to be a part of my journey.  These were good WHYs going in and has kept me going through the transformation.  Those WHYs made sense, but that wasn’t what I was looking for.  Those were the “symptoms”, not the “cause”.  I didn’t know that back in March.  My original WHY was also not to feel so lonely all the time.

During a hike in Allenspark

10. Has your WHY changed since you started?   
My WHY has definitely changed.  It’s not about being healthy and thin any more.  It’s about being the best I can be.  Participating in activities and pushing my physical and mental self.  Being social and going out, speed dating and always saying YES – count me in!  No more hoping that something would change, but BEING MY OWN CHANGE!  I’m starting to find ways to Pay it Forward.  A great new change to my WHY. No Excuses!  No Regrets!!

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

My WHY: Peggy

As I kick off my theme for Fall: WHY, The Color of Change, I wanted to highlight certain people on their weight loss journey. I asked Peggy if she would be willing to share her story and how she's discovering her WHY for a few reasons, but the biggest one is that the journey is still new for her. Her why will evolve. You'll see below that her why started just with not wanting to live in pain any longer. Eventually, she'll hit that goal and her why will change.

Take a look at her story. It's real, raw, and hilarious! And see what you can take from her WHY and use those same tools in finding your own... whether you've been on your transformation journey for a few weeks or a few years.

I asked her to share a picture that reminds her of her WHY. This is it. Read on to learn how to use the things you love to motivate and move you deeper into your why.

Right around April Fool’s Day, my body decided to get my attention using two-by-four therapy, since previous, more subtle attempts had failed to raise my consciousness. Within just a few days’ time, all of my major joints were in pain. Except my ankles. Ankles were JUST FINE.  Since my ankles were still fine, I continued ignoring the symptoms until late June, by which time I wasn’t sleeping, I couldn’t get in and out of my car without pain, and my neck was freezing up, resulting in such limited mobility I started thinking of myself as Frankenstein’s god-daughter. I limped into my doc’s office and got only a vague diagnosis of inflammation and a little osteoarthritis. That was when I decided I’d better do what I could to drop, oh, 100 pounds or so and see if that eased the pain in at least my hips and knees.
The State of Slim book was on my bookshelf, so I dusted it off and started reading it again, putting myself on Phase One. Knowing that the last sixteen times I’d tried to lose weight I’d dropped ten pounds, stalled and regained, I knew I needed help to figure out how to make lasting change. As much as I dreaded joining a group to do this (how embarrassing) I met with Dr. Holly and decided to sign up for the State of Slim group she recommended. I couldn’t bear the thought of living in chronic pain for the rest of my life, and I knew I needed help to succeed.
I’m half way through the program now, and what has surprised me most is how much fun our class has ended up being. It’s a great group of people, and the shared struggle and commitment to persist has made everything that is indeed hard to do a little easier to tackle. I also didn’t expect the dietary changes to have made as much of an impact as they have. I have lost 22 pounds so far, my energy level is better and more even, I don’t have agonizing sugar and caffeine cravings nearly as often, and most of the inflammation in my joints is gone. The diet just isn’t as hard as I thought it would be, either. Smaller portions are satisfying now, and I’m rarely really hungry. My “go-to” meals and snacks are part of my routine food preparation and habits at work, and the increased exercise has given me a lot more stamina for the outdoor activities I love.
It’s true, I’ve had to make some major adjustments to my lifestyle and habits, and some of those have made me grumpy. I miss eating out at fabulous restaurants on a whim with friends or family as often as I used to, and eating anything that looked appealing. Only one planned “indulgence” meal a week required a big change. I sulk in the presence of almond croissants. The heavenly smell of freshly baking bread can put the same hapless, slack-jawed look on my face that a fifteen year old boy gets at his sister’s sorority party. But I’m getting better at acceptance, and taking comfort in the positive results of choices that are consistent with my goals instead of feeling wildly resentful and cranky about what I’m not sinking my teeth into. And it’s been disconcerting to come to grips with how frequently that impulse strikes to use food as emotional comfort or a quick hit of energy when my stress level has risen or I’m tired, or spiritually worn out; and not ‘on top of it’ with better self-care.  
But I’ve learned the skills and mindset strategies I need to take on the challenges. I am not successful 100% of the time, every day, but I am really proud of finding a new ‘normal’ of a healthier diet that seems to have eased my joint inflammation, and of getting to the place where exercise isn’t as painful or difficult. And I’m proud that despite several serious attitudinal ‘slumps’ where I just couldn’t whip up commitment and discipline to save my soul, I haven’t quit, and I haven’t let more than a day or two slip by without getting back on track.
My next goal is five more pounds, five times. And to do that, I know I have to ramp up my exercise level and intensity on more days out of the week. I need to get to where exercise is just as much of a habit as pairing lean proteins and veggies for snacks all day.
What inspires me most is the sheer fact of the success I’ve had so far, and my growing confidence that this program will actually work if I work it faithfully, just as it is doing for others in my SOS class. It has been close to 15 years since I’ve enjoyed the physical ease of being at the lower weight that I’m aiming for as my next weight loss target, and I just keep thinking about how good it will feel to be there again.  I keep returning to my “why’s” – those abilities and freedoms I so want to maintain as I age; and the infirmity I fear and know I alone can really take action to avoid.
If you’re thinking about starting a State of Slim program, do some soul searching. Taking full advantage of the resource will mean you will end up digging deeper into your mental and physical state of affairs than you probably have before on other weight loss programs. You’ll be challenged and pushed to be very honest with yourself and come to grips with what lies beneath your self-defeating impulses and to address them. But you’ll also have the chance to learn a rich set of coping skills and be part of a group of people who are wrestling with the same challenges, and the same hopes. If you’re at that point where you’re truly done with the way things have been and know you need to make some changes, sign up – and don’t look back.  
  Peggy Hill

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

Take ACTION: Jen

I have so much respect for Jen. She's one of those people that might ride the sideline longer than some but once she's in, she's ALL. IN. When she makes up her mind, she is unstoppable. She lives in the arena and gives 100%. 

To me, I think she perfectly embodies what it means to Take Action. You can't lose 156 pounds in a year without taking ownership and action. I can't wait to see where she goes from here. 

One year ago, when Jen started DBC

How did you feel before you started this journey?

It’s been a little over 365 days since I started my journey.  If I look back on a year ago, things were totally different and I was definitely a different person than who I am now.  I will never forget the person who I was because that is the person who got me to where I am now.  

Looking back on my 395.6 pound self, I see a person who was depressed, alone and someone who was not happy with the life I was leading.  I see a person who had to sit down every time I tried cleaning my house.  I couldn’t walk a mile or up a flight of stairs without getting winded.  I was not living; I was just watching the world go by while sitting on my couch.  Life sucked at 395.6 pounds and I was scared every day of the scale reaching that 400 mark.  Just before I started this journey, I knew that I needed to change my life or else I was not going to be around to watch my nephews and niece grow up.  I didn’t want to die because I wasn’t living my life to the fullest.  I WANTED TO LIVE!  

I wanted to live a life where I felt happy, excited to be around and not always depressed. I wanted a life where I felt confident and proud to be who I was.  I wanted to be able to get on a plane and not have to ask for a seatbelt extender or feel ashamed of myself if the plane was full and no one wanted to sit next to me.  I wanted to be able to do things with friends like going hiking, swimming, ice skating or an amusement park. In all actuality I really just wanted the friends.

One Year Later

Going into this, what were your expectations?

I chose to do Destination Boot Camp because it was a week-long program and I felt that this would be something to really jump start my weight loss journey.  I hoped I would leave after the first week motivated to continue with the program.  Plus, the program would last for an entire year and I was hoping that if I did the entire year I would meet other people in similar situations and I hoped that within that year we could become friends and we would be able to be a support to one another after the year was up. What I really wanted was to find a program that was going to help me lose the weight, but more importantly, a program to help me continue my journey and keep the weight off.  

You have to start somewhere

How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?

This journey has been more amazing to me than I could have ever expected it to be.  I am thankful every day for having had the opportunity to start.  This journey hasn’t been the easiest and I have had to overcome some obstacles but I have met some great super friends who have been there for me at the times where I have been struggling and who have celebrated with me when I have hit milestones.  

My super friends also inspire me daily by the way they live their lives and share their journey with me. It is what helps me to keep going.  These friends are more than just friends, they are my family and I know that we will remain on this journey together for the rest of our lives.  This journey has also given me a new found life where I enjoy getting out, doing things, not just sitting on the sidelines watching the world go by.

At the One Year DBC Reunion! Make Your Fat Cry!

What has been your biggest “Aha” or break through moment?

Having been overweight most of my life, there have been many things that I have tried to do but because of my weight those things were hindered.  I went through life with some people telling me because of my weight, I can’t do things. When someone tells me that I can’t do something I will do everything in my power to prove them wrong.  What I didn’t realize until now is that one of the main persons that will tell me that I can’t do something is really just me.   

Let me give you a little example. A few months ago, Dr. Holly signed me up for Chase the Moon, which was a 12 hour endurance trail relay run that was from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., with her and 3 other friends. Now let me tell you that over the past year I have come to love running and have enjoyed trying out new runs.  But I have to say that this run scared the hell out of me and was definitely way out of my comfort zone one because it was being run at night and second it was on a trail.  When I first heard of this run, I had never run a trail run and in all honesty when I did the actual run I had only run once on a trail.  Now, getting out of my comfort zone has gotten a whole lot easier over the last year so I definitely was going to do the run, no question. 

For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Holly is a planner and always has a plan and so I remember one night where she was planning the running order and calculating the times it would take all of us to do our loops and she told me that night in order for us to get all the loops in, I would have to run a 3.5 mile loop in under 52.5 minutes.   I remember first laughing at this and then freaking out because there was no way that I was going to run two 3.5 mile loops, in the dark and on a trail both under 52.5 minutes.  Add on to that, I would have no sleep because I would be running at 10:30 p.m. and 3:30 a.m. and my previous 4 mile run on a flat surface in the day was 55 minutes or so, which I told to Dr. Holly who of course told me, it’s not a problem and I’ve got this.  What I kept telling myself was there is no way in hell I was going to do these runs in less than 52.5 minutes.  I would say that this thought kept going on in my head even while I was running that first loop. 

I ran the first loop in 48:49 and the second loop in 51:05 (my best times yet for any race).  This surprised me more than anything. For the first few days after running these times I couldn’t fathom where they came from and my friends had to keep telling me that it was me.  I know that I was the one to run those races (because I definitely felt it the next day) but I realized it’s me who needs to stop telling me that I can’t do something because of course after I keep telling myself I can’t do something, I prove myself wrong.   

At Chase the Moon with her Super Friends!

What are you most proud of so far?

Well if I wasn’t proud of losing 156 pounds or 39% body weight loss, then there would definitely be something wrong with me.  But there are so many things I have to be proud of since starting this journey.  

I am proud of having been on this journey for over a year and I haven’t given up on myself even when it’s been hard.  I am proud of the fact that in the middle of February I had foot surgery and this didn’t keep me down and I was able to continue losing or maintain my weight while my exercise was literally non-existent for about 4-5 weeks. I am proud that when I have fallen off plan, I have chosen to get back on plan.  It may still be hard to get back on plan but it’s definitely gotten easier over the last year.  

I am proud of my group of super friends.  I am proud of all my mini milestones (no longer wearing a seatbelt extender on a plane, being able to put the arm rest down on my seat in the plane, going from a size 28 to a size 16 or an XXXL to a Large, moving the seat up in my car, running my first 5k without walking, all the times that I beat my previous time on my races).  I am proud of all the times I have gotten out of my comfort zone.

It's always fun when your clothes don't fit and you need a new wardrobe...

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering losing weight or just starting out, what would it be?

Trust the process and while you are doing this, embrace the falls that you will have.  Yes, you will fall off plan and at times you will stall but if you trust the process you will get back on track and you will get over this stall.  There are going to be the days where you choose to get off plan and you choose to eat everything and anything you want or you choose not to do a workout. I know this because I too have days where I am struggling to make the right choices.  When I have those types of days is when I reach out to my super friends.  

I have learned to acknowledge these days, then I will confess that the choice was not a good one and then I look at why I chose that way and then I take the action (which is usually getting back in to my routines because when I am not following my routines this is when I struggle a lot more) to get me back on plan.  In the beginning of the year this was definitely a lot harder than it has been a year into the process.  The falls off plan will just make you a stronger person and it will be easier to reassess and recommit to the process.

Living Large!

How do you feel now?

I love my life.  I love who I was but more importantly I love who I have become.  I love that I no longer get winded cleaning my house or walking up a flight of stairs; in fact I love just being able to run up a flight of stairs.  I love that I feel athletic and enjoy getting workouts in and finding new workouts to challenge myself.  I love that I will just randomly start dancing or roll down a hill.  I really love my calves (my lower legs that is). But I can’t say it enough, I LOVE LIFE!

Living in the arena!

How has this journey changed your life?

I love this question because this journey has changed my life in so many ways that I will never realize how much it has changed my life until later on.  But for now I would say that this journey has made me HAPPY.  

In all honesty I can’t remember the last time before this journey started when I was extremely happy.   I know I had happy moments but to be constantly happy with my life and with myself was something that didn’t exist.   Before this journey I felt that I led a very boring life and in all honesty it was a depressing life.   I pretty much woke up, went to work and went home and sat around watching television.  Every once in a while I would throw in some quality family time but really it was a lonely life.  

Now with having been on this journey, I have a life.  I’m rarely home on the weekends and most of the time you will find me out at an organized race and getting out of my comfort zone.  I love talking about my life and the things that I have been doing with anyone who I come into contact.

With her family at her 1 year reunion!

What’s next? Where do you want to see yourself in a year from now?

Over the last year, I have come to realize that my weight is going to be an issue for the remainder of my life, but unlike other programs I have tried, I know this one is going to work.  I know that I will at times struggle and get off plan.  

I know that the scale will go up but I have the confidence in myself and I believe in myself and in my new life style that if I struggle or get off plan I can call on one of my super friends and I will be able to confess where I am at.  I will then be able to assess why I am struggling or how I got off plan and then I can get back into my routines and the actions needed to get myself back on plan.  

In a year from now, I see myself at goal weight and in maintenance.  I see myself continuing to run and finding new ways to challenge myself physically.