1. How did you feel before DBC?
I felt lonely. I have a wonderful family and some great friends in my life but in all honesty I felt alone. I disliked who I was, how I looked and how I was living my life. I hated that I was nearing 400 pounds and I really didn’t know how I was going to be able to change my life because nothing has worked in the past.
2. Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
No Sweat! One of my biggest fears before DBC, was starting another diet and getting frustrated and discouraged because I can’t eat whatever I want, when I want or what others are eating. After 6 months of being a part of DBC, I still can’t do all of that every day but I have learned to make different recipes and enjoy what I can. It helps that I eat 5-6 meals a day. Depending on what phase I am in, I get an indulgence meal or two and these definitely help me get over cravings and they come in handy when I want to schedule a time to go out with friends or family and have a meal where I can eat what I want.
3. What has been your biggest “AHA” or break through moments?
I have been working in child protection for over 11 years now. I am passionate about making sure that the children I come into contact with are being taken care of and not in bad situations. I remember one evening at Anschutz when sitting with my team, I shared that my biggest challenge when going home was being able to take care of myself and making sure to follow the program.
In my line of work it’s really easy to get involved in something and not pay attention to the time and not having enough time to get lunch or just having enough time to grab something through the drive thru and eating hurriedly. My teammates and coaches helped me to realize that night that to be able to take care of others, I need to take care of myself and to love myself.
4. What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am grateful for my family and friends as they continue to support and encourage me on my journey. I am proud that I have been able to open up to my family and friends and share this journey with them. Since sharing my journey with them, I have received letters or statements telling me that my journey has helped them with their weight loss journey.
5. If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
To only give one piece of advice is hard but it would be, “You’ve got this!” When you join this community you are not alone and you become part of a bigger family and we are all here to help you to get where it is you want to be.
6. How do you feel now?
Energized, strong, encouraged, loved, empowered.
7. What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
8. How has this journey changed your life?
I am answering questions 7 and 8 together because the most valuable part of DBC is how this journey changed my life. Before DBC, I really didn’t go out except with family. I didn’t really have friends in the area to get together with and do something with. DBC has helped me to meet new friends. Friends who know the same struggles that I have been going through.
My family and I joke because now I am not usually home on the weekends because I am out with friends and enjoying a very active lifestyle. I have come to love running/walking in different races like “The Rock N’ Roll Run, The Ugly Sweater Run or making up my own races like the “Loomis Lodge 10K.” I have new friends that I can text or call when I am struggling or when I hit mini milestones. We are there for each other. I wouldn’t change this journey for anything and I am so thankful for those I have met.