Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Living LARGE: Jen

1.     How did you feel before DBC?
I felt lonely.  I have a wonderful family and some great friends in my life but in all honesty I felt alone.  I disliked who I was, how I looked and how I was living my life.   I hated that I was nearing 400 pounds and I really didn’t know how I was going to be able to change my life because nothing has worked in the past.

2.     Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
No Sweat!  One of my biggest fears before DBC, was starting another diet and getting frustrated and discouraged because I can’t eat whatever I want, when I want or what others are eating.  After 6 months of being a part of DBC, I still can’t do all of that every day but I have learned to make different recipes and enjoy what I can. It helps that I eat 5-6 meals a day.  Depending on what phase I am in, I get an indulgence meal or two and these definitely help me get over cravings and they come in handy when I want to schedule a time to go out with friends or family and have a meal where I can eat what I want.

3.     What has been your biggest “AHA” or break through moments?
I have been working in child protection for over 11 years now.  I am passionate about making sure that the children I come into contact with are being taken care of and not in bad situations.  I remember one evening at Anschutz when sitting with my team, I shared that my biggest challenge when going home was being able to take care of myself and making sure to follow the program.  

In my line of work it’s really easy to get involved in something and not pay attention to the time and not having enough time to get lunch or just having enough time to grab something through the drive thru and eating hurriedly.  My teammates and coaches helped me to realize that night that to be able to take care of others, I need to take care of myself and to love myself. 

4.     What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am grateful for my family and friends as they continue to support and encourage me on my journey. I am proud that I have been able to open up to my family and friends and share this journey with them.   Since sharing my journey with them, I have received letters or statements telling me that my journey has helped them with their weight loss journey.

5.     If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
To only give one piece of advice is hard but it would be, “You’ve got this!” When you join this community you are not alone and you become part of a bigger family and we are all here to help you to get where it is you want to be.

6.     How do you feel now?
Energized, strong, encouraged, loved, empowered.

7.     What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
8.     How has this journey changed your life?
I am answering questions 7 and 8 together because the most valuable part of DBC is how this journey changed my life.   Before DBC, I really didn’t go out except with family.  I didn’t really have friends in the area to get together with and do something with.  DBC has helped me to meet new friends.  Friends who know the same struggles that I have been going through.  

My family and I joke because now I am not usually home on the weekends because I am out with friends and enjoying a very active lifestyle.   I have come to love running/walking in different races like “The Rock N’ Roll Run, The Ugly Sweater Run or making up my own races like the “Loomis Lodge 10K.” I have new friends that I can text or call when I am struggling or when I hit mini milestones.   We are there for each other.  I wouldn’t change this journey for anything and I am so thankful for those I have met.

Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Living LARGE: Patty

1.     How did you feel before DBC?
I was in a low place when I discovered Destination Boot Campand the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center. I found myself numbing my feelings with food. I had gained a lot of weight in very little time and I felt defeated, isolated, embarrassed. I was angry all the time and felt like such a failure because I could not stop eating.

2.     Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
I think that like most people out there looking to lose weight, we always think when we start a diet, that if we just lose all this extra weight that we will be happy. But very early on in my Destination Boot Camp program, I realized that to experience true success (and happiness), this time I would also have to confront and conquer my inner demons. Following the diet and exercise plan, you will lose weight. But if you want to keep the weight off, you have to also do the mindset work.

3.     What has been your biggest “Aha” or breakthrough moment?
My breakthrough happened just a couple of days into boot camp. Dr. Holly was speaking to us in one of our classes and she spoke on “integrity to yourself”. She had us think of all the times we follow through for others and then asked if we did the same for ourselves. If you are trying to eat healthy and you suddenly find yourself alone in your kitchen and there is a plate of cookies on the table, how many times have you eaten a cookie even though it was not what you were really working towards? It is the integrity to yourself that matters most. If you want to be healthy, have the integrity to not eat that cookie even if there is no one around to know whether or not you ate the cookie. You know and that is what is important. This moment in class made a huge impact on me. It was my “Aha” moment that stuck with me for the rest of my journey at home.

4.     What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am proud of the 50 pounds that I have lost. It feels great to be down 6 dress sizes and to have lost 30 inches off my body. However, I am most proud of the emotional weight that I have lost. It has completely changed the way I am looking at life every day. I experience true joy daily and for that I am most grateful.

5.    If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
My advice would be, rather than dreaming about the person you always knew you could be, you will become that person if you allow yourself to trust the process and honestly answer hard questions about yourself and your environment. Before this program, asking me to be honest with myself and do these exercises would have been right up there with asking me to cut my hand off with a dull spoon. This program gave me the tools to be honest with myself and really deal with my demons. It may sound scary, but without a doubt, it is so worth it.

6.     What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
The most valuable part of DBC for me has been the reconnection I have made with myself. I had lost a part of me over the years in being a wife, being a mother, being support to everyone else in my life. Through all of the journaling and mindset exercises, I have found a way to be all those things but to be me too. I have re-learned to be me and it has literally lightened me up!

7.     How has this journey changed your life?
Dr. Holly told us all at boot camp that our week there would be a life-altering event. She could not have said a truer statement all week! This will forever change who you are going forward. I realized at boot camp that I could no longer be who I was before that week. Her statement had a profound impact on me. It drove me to take her message to heart and embrace it. If this was going to be a life-altering event, I was going to grab the bull by the horns and hang on for the ride of my life. I will apply the knowledge of what I have learned at boot camp and in this year long program for the rest of my life.

8.     How do you feel now?
I am so grateful that I found the Anschutz Wellness Center, Dr. Holly, and the wonderful team of people she has working with her. This program has profoundly changed my life for the better. I have had to work so hard over the last few months, but the blood, sweat, and tears have been worth it. I feel uplifted, at peace, strong and joyful. I found myself and rediscovered my happiness.

Are you ready to rediscover yourself? Click here to start your journey of transformation.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Living LARGE: Renee

How did you feel before DBC?
Before starting DBC, I was depressed, tired all the time, blamed everyone for my problems, angry at my inability to lose weight and I felt ugly in my own skin.  Could not even look in the mirror at myself.  In a way, I would present myself to others as the skinny young girl I used to be.  I created a lie in my head that I was skinny and every time I would look at myself in the mirror I realized the lie.

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thouht going into it?
Looking back when I signed up for DBC, I only paid for the first part because deep down I knew it would never work.  I thought I better not pay for it all because when I would pay upfront for all the other diets I just lost the money; not the weight.  Why would this be any different!  I must say that after Dr. Holly's first lecture it became loud and clear this was the place for me.  I went right downstairs and paid for the rest of the year.

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?
The only home I knew was Pittsburgh.  My husband, Jamie, got a job in Flint, Michigan in 1985 and we packed up our new baby boy and moved to Michigan.  The first year there I remember every morning when his alarm would go off for work I would tell him I hated him and to get me home.  Years and years I blamed him for me being away from my family.  For 31 years I have told him when he retires I am moving back home with or without him.  He traveled every week and I felt alone.  I blamed him for my depression and weight gain.  Jamie has given me the greatest life any person would ever want.  I never realized how extremely blessed I was to have created a beautiful life in Michigan with him and our two boys.   The breakthrough and AHA moment came when I realized after 31 years that my home is with him no matter where we are.  I have never again thought of moving back to Pittsburgh.

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
Never have I been able to hold 40 pounds (20%) of my weight off my body for such a long time, especially, with all the hurdles I had to jump over this year.  I tore my rotator cuff in May, which kept me from exercising my upper body (28 weeks of physical therapy and I will have shoulder surgery after March reunion).  I had double hernia surgery in June, which kept me from doing lower body workouts for a couple months.  I brought my aging uncle from Florida to Michigan to care for him this year and he passed in November.  I can go on and on, but the reality is I am grateful for the tools I have learned to fight through these hurdles.   I have gone from dress size 18 to 12 and I can fit into some medium sized shirts.  How can I not be proud of my accomplishments thus far.  I wasn't perfect, but I handled them all and haven't quit.  I still have a ways to go on my journey but I know I have the tools to carry on forever.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
People are hesitant about joining the program because of the cost.  I would tell them that this program is priceless.  It is a never ending, lifelong commitment. No amount of money is too large to buy you your health, happiness and friendships that will last you a lifetime.  You will learn to love yourself and watch everyone around you change for the better.  It is a small fee for a lifetime education.

How do you feel now?
There is no way I can come up with just one most valuable part of DBC.  The list is endless, but if I had to pick one thing it would be Dr. Holly's knowledge and love for wanting the world to live the SOS way.  She is determined to change us one person at a time.  She practices what she preaches and she is right there by our sides.  I have been blessed in having her in my life.  

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
This journey has brought my smile back again.  It has brought back my youthful spirit.  It has made me realize that the best has yet to come.

How has this journey changed your life? 
I can honestly say I feel free.  Free to be who I am and love myself no matter what.  I can see what everyone else sees in me now.  Those around me never looked at my exterior, they loved me for me and so do I.  I have never been happier.