Meet Krista:
Krista with her husband before the Tinkerbell Half Marathon |
How did you hear about State of Slim?
My health insurance company had given me some different plans but none of it was helping me get to my goal weight or making me feel better. One night I was searching the Internet and came across the program State of Slim. I began researching the program. I noticed Dr. Holly took consultations so I called and set one up. Dr. Holly, my husband and I met months later at the consultation and she recommended the program. I was trying to find every excuse in the book not to participate.
Before State of Slim |
How did you feel before you started the program?
Before I started the program I hated talking about myself, looking at myself and didn’t want to do much of anything. I was so nervous to start the 16 week program, but knew inside it was the right thing for me. In my mind I was trying to make every excuse in the book why 16 weeks of focusing on myself was too much. I listed my kid’s activities, things we had to do as a family. I have never missed anything my children were involved in. I also knew I needed to challenge myself at the same time with getting out of my comfort zone. I never knew how to take care of myself, so going to a class for me was super scary.
Remember when you started this Journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
I remember the first day of class and just sitting at the long table so nervous about having to face my challenges with strangers. I remember thinking it was so awkward just sitting and listening about what is expected in the program. In a way it sounded so easy, though I knew it was going to be hard. I like my carbs and sweets! The first day I had an attitude I was going to do this and it in my mind was set up more like a “challenge” I needed to complete. Starting day 1-3 I was excited and realized it was also a lot harder then I expect. Eating 6 times a day was the most I had ever eaten. I went on a vacation and almost froze in the plane not knowing what to eat, but I was starving.
My journey today has completely changed. It is no longer a “challenge,” rather, it is a new lifestyle that I want to keep up. The weight loss journey isn’t easy and I know each day following the program and having the mindset will get me to my goal. Having a different mindset and believing in the program has made such a difference. My attitude and the way I view food/Life has changed so much since the first day of class.
What has been your biggest “Aha” or breakthrough moment?
My biggest “aha” was wearing the state of slim bracelets and feeling the support all the time. Getting my first green apple was a huge breakthrough moment as well. Just knowing I can do a program and believing in how State of Slim works and loosing that first 10% was so important to me. Right now, bigger than the apple, the “aha” moment was finishing the Half Marathon in Disneyland. I used to be completely out of breath walking down our driveway.
What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am so grateful for a lot of things. Most of them are the friendships I have made through SOS. I am grateful for Dr. Holly being a super friend and letting me know this is a program for me. I am proud that I have lost weight in a year and kept it off. I am super proud that I have changed my mindset and allowed my self to have positive talk and to be proud of just me. I am proud that Dr. Holly asked me to be a co-captain in the next steps program. I am proud I get to share my weight loss journey to help others.
When did you decide to start running?
In SOS next steps class we had to make a vision board. I have never made a vision board before this class. At first I wasn’t sure about what to put on there, but I wanted it to truly represent what I want in my life. I have always wanted to run a race yet never imagining I could. When I put the Disney race on my board I envisioned being at my goal weight and I was going to run the entire thing! October 2015 my husband and I talked about wanting to do something completely different for our 10 year anniversary. We both are not runners and never have been. Within a week of talking about the anniversary we were signing up for the Disney Tinkerbell Half Marathon in May 2016. We decided to get through the holidays and start training in January.
What has the training process been like for you?
The training process was a learning adventure. At first we thought we could make our own schedule and just run! That became weeks of only running 1 mile and working out at our other gym. After talking to others who run and our gym trainers we realized we needed a lot more help in order to make it through this run. One of the trainers at Manic offered to be our running coach/trainer. She made a schedule for both Travis and I an offered to go on runs with us. If we didn’t speak up and let people know the goal we wanted to achieve we wouldn’t be doing the Tinkerbell race.
How do you handle the ups and downs of weight loss?
The ups and down are real and its reality you are going to have them. A year ago I probably would have quit the program when the scale didn’t go down the way I wanted it to or if I cheated one meal I would have quit. Realizing the scale doesn’t control me as much as my mindset controls everything has taught me so much. There have been several days/weeks of ups and downs and I just tell myself I will accomplish what I want to accomplish. I know I will get to my goal weight, and it won’t be over night. It won’t be within a week of wanting it. There have been days I am following the plan and I didn’t drop anything. I still felt good inside and know I have to keep moving forward.
What does I’m perfection mean to you? What imperfections are you learning to celebrate?
By nature, I am a competitive person. Before doing State of Slim I wouldn’t have shared my imperfections. In the past, if I haven’t hit specific goals I thought I would be letting others down. I was hard on myself and started thinking I better stop what I started, why workout when I can’t complete the task, and one cheat day isn’t going to make a difference. I can honestly say now I am ok with showing my imperfections. I am now OK being more real to people rather than feeling like I have to tell them what I think they want to hear. I am starting to feel like when I share my imperfections and struggles with friends, they have been encouraging to keep me going. I am OK not playing the victim role. I am currently not at my goal weight and my past mindset would have given me reasons to blame everything and everyone. I can honestly tell you that I am not discouraged by my weight and I now take responsibility for it.
Finishing the Tinkerbell Half Marathon! |
How has this Journey changed you?
I am so proud to be part of this program. At the very start, I used to feel embarrassed to wear the green bracelets. Honestly, now I wear them with pride and I love to tell other people what they represent. I love to tell people about my weight loss journey and I love to tell them about SOS because I never thought that there was a solution for me. One of the biggest changes that I am most proud of has been my mindset. I am no longer doubtful instead I am able to look at my journey as one step at a time.
How do you feel now?
I feel better than I have felt in a really long time. I feel so encouraged. I now look forward to working out again. It feels good to be motivated again!