I met Tierannye when she came to
Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp (new slots just opened up if you want to be a part of it!). The whole point of the Get Vulnerable, Go Public challenge is to put yourself and your story out there for the world to see. To live differently. And to push against "the normal." And that's exactly what Tierannye has done. I wanted to share her story because other people's journeys motivate me to keep going. I hope this motivates you too!
MY Story…
What is beauty? What is to be completely comfortably with your body? These are just a few questions I always wondered and could never fully answer them because I had never experienced it. In my 23 years of life I’ve always struggled with being happy with the way I looked. The issue with that is, people would tell me how gorgeous I was, but I didn’t believe them. I always thought “they’re just saying that to make me feel ok, they really don’t believe it!” These thoughts and feelings all began when I was weighed in 4th grade for an IdentiKid Card, and I weighed in at 101lbs. I never said anything but I knew I wasn’t like everyone else. I was always “thick” growing up, but so was everyone in my family which seemed right and I became complacent.
Over the years, I’ve tried many different things to lose weight. They worked at the time but, I soon gained it all back plus more. Ultimately it made me upset and depressed, I just gave up and told myself “well maybe this is how God wanted me to be.” I kept that with me for many years, knowing it was a lie I told myself in order to be okay with the way I looked. But, the reality of that is I wasn’t okay with it at all. I just knew something had to happen or I wouldn’t be around long. I have so much life to live, and I want to be around to live it but I just want to be happy doing it.
Then the Extreme Weight-Loss Destination Boot camp opportunity came, for I was a “Pay it Forward” recipient from my best friend Brandi Mallory who was a contest on the Season 4 Extreme Weight-Loss. Prior to going to camp I was in a deep depression, nothing in my life was going as planned. I just felt like everywhere I turned I was being hit with any and everything and it made me miserable. I ended an amazing relationship, stopped hanging out with friends, started drinking way too much, eating whatever was in front of me even when I wasn’t hungry, I was just unhappy. But, I didn’t know what I was unhappy with exactly. In the midst of all of this was happening, and I had to pack my life up and go to Denver for a week.
It was there that the change came, and it shocked me. I wasn’t open to going to camp, but I knew that this could help me. It was the day we went on the hike that changed my life forever. Before we got off the bus we were told that once we reached the fork in the road we had 3 options: turn around and return to the bus, take the medium route, or take the challenge. I knew that I would take the medium route for sure. It was until I reached the fork in the road that I heard, “no more excuses”, next thing I know my feet are leading me towards the challenge route. I got to thinking about everything that was happening in my life; past and present. But I also began to think about the future. I spoke to God the entire hike. I cried the entire time, but it was tears of thanksgiving, gratefulness, and happiness.

That moment made me realize that I had to live for me and make myself happy. It showed me that I’ve been making excuses for myself and that is why I had been feeling the way I had for so long. I was thankful for the mindset change I experienced not only on the hike, but in the sessions we attended. I didn’t know how strong I was until I was pushed, I realized at camp that it is completely okay with being vulnerable. I don’t have to be strong or superwoman all the time. Vulnerability is where change occurs, when you are outside of your comfort zone. Being there helped me start my new life, I don’t consider SOS to be a diet, but a lifestyle transformation. Weeks later I have destroyed 30lbs and I am just elated with life. With my freedom to be me, and not worry about what comes my way. I get compliments all the time, and for once in my life I actually believe what is being said to me. Not only because I see it too, but because I know that there is no need for anyone to justify MY life. It is my life for a reason and I am doing what I want to do, solely for me.
I have moments where I begin to doubt myself, but then I look in the mirror and see that I have changed and I still have more work to do. I tell myself every morning “Check you out, you’re so cute!” and I believe it! I believe in myself. I can no longer fit my clothes, which actually makes me happy because I have a real reason to shop for new clothes. I love eating healthy, I love working out especially Zumba. I just love living life!!!
I am forever grateful for all that I learned, the connections I’ve made, and the lifelong mindset change that was given to me through EWLDBC. I know that I am a Masterpiece! I know that I am beautiful. I am good enough. I am perfect. I know how to choose my hard! This is all due to that one week I spent away from my hectic life here in Atlanta. I was able to shut out all the negative thoughts, and focus on getting my happy back. I am proud to announce that SHE IS HERE!!! I can feel it now, I believe it, and I am beautiful!