Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

New Year's Revolution: Homework 1

So many times, people who come to see me about weight loss constantly focus on their body: eating right, exercising, even getting plenty of sleep. But the one thing most people forget to be aware of is their mind! And mindset is key to transformation.

For Homework Assignment 1: Set your intention every morning.

I do this personally in my own life. Wake up every morning and start your day by visualizing where you want to be in 12 weeks. Fill in this sentence and remind yourself of your mantra throughout the day: I choose to be ___________.

Strong. Confident. Happy. Whatever you mantra is, set it. You don't have to reach your goal before you own it now! Watch my video to get all of the info on Week 1 Homework Assignment.

Don't forget to share how your week is going on my page.