Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

New Year's Revolution: Week 7

This week is all about motivation. What do you do when you feel your motivation slipping? How do you get it back? What do you do to keep the same excitement and passion that you had when you started? That's going to be our focus for week 7!

Watch my Week 7 lesson-- it's here to set you up for success! And then check out the homework. It's designed to help you feel recharged, re-motivated, and refreshed to keep going and finish strong!

Let's do this together! And don't forget to check in on my Dr. Holly GO Public wall on Facebook to let me know how you're doing.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

My New Year's Revolution Week 5 Accountability

Want to know what week 5 of my New Year's Revolution journey looked like? I'm still getting there! Some goals I hit, other's I need to work on. But more than anything, I want us to FINISH STRONG. Let's finish strong together! We haven't come this far to give up now.

My goal is to have a negative split-- I want to finish the second half of my race better than I did the first. Who's in it with me? Let's do this!

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

New Year's Revolution: Week 6

We're officially at the half-way point of the New Year's Revolution Challenge! Can you believe it? Now that we're here, this is the perfect time to REASSESS. Let's look back to see where we've been and where we want to go!

My goal for myself and for you is that during the second half of the Challenge we will have a negative split. What is a negative split? It's a term runners use when you run the second half of a race faster than the first half. Let's finish even stronger together than how we started. We're in this together!

Let's do this! Keep me in the loop on how you're doing. Post on my GO Public wall to stay accountable.

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

My New Year's Revolution Week 4 Accountability Update

Hi guys! It's that time of the week again: accountability time. This week I've noticed less posts on my GO Public wall. I'm putting myself out there and getting vulnerable. Make sure to do it with me! Nothing makes a hard road easier than support from others, so share your story! You have no idea how much it inspires me. Click here to post your update.

This week was a good week! Right now, my goal is to continue to trust the process. The other key I took away is knowing my triggers. What is your trigger or the point where your will power is lowest? Mine is in the evening when I get home from work. I'm tired and things can tend to slip then. I'm recognizing that and starting to tweak my plan to help myself succeed. Watch my video to see my update:

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

New Year's Revolution: Week 5

Who's ready for Week 5 with the New Year's Revolution Challenge?! ***crickets***

I know, this is the time when the fact that there are 7 weeks left and that may feel discouraging. That's ok! That's normal. It's normal for this to not always "feel" fun or easy. Because it's not always fun and easy. This week, I want to give you tools to help overcome that. What I don't want to see is for you to QUIT!

This week I want to focus on the Power of Positivity. Positive people have the same problems as negative people, they just have a different approach. Watch my video on the scientific power of being positive and then tackle the homework! It's designed to help you win!

Check in with me on my Facebook page! I want to see the mood board you made last week. Share how you were able to find something positive in a negative!

Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

My Week 3 New Year's Revolution Accountability Update

This week has been a great week! I've stuck to the plan and even though I haven't seen all of the weight loss results I want, I'm trusting the process. That's what this is all about. If you saw my Week 2 Accountability video, I wasn't losing weight the way I wanted to so I tweaked the plan. There are times when you need to tweak the plan and then there are also times to just trust the process. I'll explain how to know when you should do one or the other.

I also went to the Butterfly Pavilion and got uncomfortable with my State of Slim group! And while I loved the butterflies I wasn't so in love with Rosie, the tarantula. But I did it! I held Rosie and got out of my comfort zone! This weekend, try to do one thing outside of your comfort zone.

Getting uncomfortable! Can't you tell? 

Really uncomfortable! 

I love butterflies because they represent transformation. 

 If butterflies didn't struggle to break out of their cocoon, their wings wouldn't be strong enough to fly. If you're struggling right now, just know you're building your strength to fly! Keep fighting because there is a new beauty that is about to come from your struggle!

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

New Year's Revolution: Week 4 Lesson

I hope all of you watched my lesson and did the homework last week because it is a really powerful exercise to get the chance to WRITE and then RE-WRITE your story. If you haven't done it yet, do it! Don't let a week go by and miss the chance to change how your story ends. If you missed it, you can watch the videos here.

This week is a very crucial week. Typically after four weeks people start to quit their New Year's Resolutions. And that's why I wanted to start a New Year's Revolution, so that this year, 2015, the story wouldn't end the same way it always does.

To do that, you need to do the homework because it's designed to help you get there! Last week we RE-WROTE our stories and this week I want to take that concept to the next level. We're going to visualize our goals. Visualize where you will be. How are  you going to look? Feel? Live? Watch my videos for Week 4 and I'll explain it there. And make sure to go to my Facebook page and share your GO Public update!

If you need some great inspiration for a Visualization Board, check out Heidi's, one of my Destination Boot Campers: