Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

My Week 3 New Year's Revolution Accountability Update

This week has been a great week! I've stuck to the plan and even though I haven't seen all of the weight loss results I want, I'm trusting the process. That's what this is all about. If you saw my Week 2 Accountability video, I wasn't losing weight the way I wanted to so I tweaked the plan. There are times when you need to tweak the plan and then there are also times to just trust the process. I'll explain how to know when you should do one or the other.

I also went to the Butterfly Pavilion and got uncomfortable with my State of Slim group! And while I loved the butterflies I wasn't so in love with Rosie, the tarantula. But I did it! I held Rosie and got out of my comfort zone! This weekend, try to do one thing outside of your comfort zone.

Getting uncomfortable! Can't you tell? 

Really uncomfortable! 

I love butterflies because they represent transformation. 

 If butterflies didn't struggle to break out of their cocoon, their wings wouldn't be strong enough to fly. If you're struggling right now, just know you're building your strength to fly! Keep fighting because there is a new beauty that is about to come from your struggle!

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