Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Get Vulnerable, GO Public: Debi

Nothing ever beats the opportunity of getting to be a part of people taking their lives back. Debi is the perfect example of someone who took her life back and is living so fully each and every day. Read her story and get ready to be inspired:



How did you feel before DBC?
Before DBC I felt sad and unhealthy. I didn't want to do anything in public. I had many emotions that I didn't feel I had control over.

When did you realize you were transforming?
The moment I realized I was Transforming was during my stay at Destination Boot Camp, sitting among strangers listening to their stories and realizing we were all experiencing many of the same things, living the same issues in life. I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared some of my stories too. That day and the following days, I was starting my journey of transformation and doing things I hadn't done before with the help of our instructors and all the different departments available to us. I realized at that moment that living in the days that would be shaping me for today and for the rest of my journey, and still for the rest of my life.

How do you feel since DBC?
Since DBC, I feel empowered. I am enjoying all the knowledge I've learned and still learning and putting it to use each day.  I feel happier, stronger, and more fit than I've been in years. I am actually fitting into clothes that I have saved since high school and years past, wanting to someday be able to fit into them again.  Though I still have a little ways to go to reach my goal, I will get there soon.

What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of understanding that the mindset is such a powerful part of our being. I was always an emotional eater, a yo-yo'er and now I have learned to choose to control my moods and not go for the comfort foods, junk food, candy, etc to solve my issues. I've learned to keep my mindset in-check and talk myself through good decisions that will keep me on track to achieve my goals.

What is the biggest thing you've learned along this journey?
One of the biggest lessons I've learned through DBC is that I am not alone. It is important to ask for help and to not feel bad for doing so-- knowing that when I ask for help I can count on the members of my DBC family, as well as they can count on me. We all have walked in the same shoes, just in different sizes and it is comforting to have the experience together, side by side.

What is your hero jar?
My Hero Jar is a jar I focus on daily. I've learned many things at DBC, especially from Dr. Holly, Dr. Denise, Dr. Hill, and many others. I've taken their knowledge and my experience, and together with my label maker, I've put the memories onto my jar, along with a wristband I received from DBC around the cap of my jar. I read it daily and to remind myself to live a State of Slim life with a smile, full of memories, inspiration, and results, meanwhile full of gratitude to all who inspired me along the way.

I am so thankful that I decided to give myself the gift of a new beginning and chose to attend DBC at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center. It has forever changed my life, body and soul.

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