Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Extreme Weight Loss: Jackie

Who else was blown away by Jackie's episode? I think the reason so many of you were touched by her story was because it's so relatable. We can all relate to struggling with difficult emotions, even if they are caused by legitimatly difficult life circumstances, and using food to numb the pain.

The key to Jackie's success was twofold. First, she decided to stop using food to cover her pain and cope with unforgiveness. Second, she replaced food with positive actions.

Are you an emotional eater? Do you find yourself standing in front of the fridge snacking even when you're not hungry? Then I'm challenging you to step into those emotions this week and let yourself begin the healing process. Watch my video for more on Jackie's episode and how you can use it in your own journey:

Go to the Dr. Holly page and share what you're doing with your emotions instead eating them: maybe it's going for walk, calling a friend to grab coffee, or journaling what you're feeling.

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