Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

Destination Boot Camp Success Story: Karen

If you missed my last post on Ken, I'm highlighting different State of Slimmers and Destination Boot Campers who have either successfully transformed their life and hit their goal weight or are in the process of getting there. I love learning from other's success and applying it to my goals. 

Take a look at Karen. She's lost over 70 pounds since June and is on the way to hitting her goals!


How did you feel before DBC?

"Before coming to Destination Boot Camp, I was totally frustrated. I turned the big “6" - “0" in May 2015 and I knew it was now or never to make a change. I’ve been overweight or have perceived myself as being overweight my entire life. 

Watching my parents struggle with health issues, some related to weight and others to diet, I knew I had to do something or I would find myself lacking quality of life in the not-so-distant future. In 2008 I joined a gym and went to bootcamp every day... I got strong and more toned but I could not lose much weight. I hired a coach, changed gyms, went to lectures and seminars on nutrition by experts in their field, and met with a dietician. 

I learned a lot but I just could not find the key to losing. I heard about a weight loss resort and over a two year period returned to the resort on four different occasions. I learned a lot, worked out hard but in the end I was a failure...  I could not translate what I learned at the resort into my everyday, hectic life-- at least not for very long. I was totally frustrated but determined to get the weight off. I just did not know how. The task was daunting!


Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it? 

All I knew when I signed up for DBC was that they said the program was unlike any other (yea right, they all say that) and that it was based on science (intriguing if it was “real” science) but what hooked me was the focused on mind set. 

I came to DBC knowing a lot about food and a lot about how to work out hard. I knew the missing component was keeping my mind positively focused long enough to get the weight off. The focus on the mindset was way more intense and far exceeded my expectation in a very positive way. I submitted to “trusting the process” and with the tools I learned, I find this the easiest and best total transformation program I’ve ever experienced-- even with my hectic lifestyle. 

DBC is transformational in every way. I am happy and enjoying life. And most of all, I know I will reach my ultimate goals.

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment? 

My biggest "aha" came in a lecture Dr. Holly gave about "Choosing Your Hard”. It is hard to follow a healthy eating plan and to work out 6 days a week but it is even harder to be over weight, self conscience, out of breath, out of shape and not able to enjoy activities I once loved because of my weight, and simply just feeling bad about yourself and life. 

When I recognized that every choice I make in life has hard consequences and it’s a matter of deciding the outcome I want for my life, that was the lightbulb for me. The “hard” I choose is to live life to it’s fullest, which means I choose the healthy hard! 


What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 

I am grateful for the chance I took on this wonderful opportunity, for all the many positive, caring people involved in putting this program together, and coaches whose boundless energy and enthusiasm keep me motivated. 

I am also grateful for the connections and friendships I have made with all my teammates, all of whom are on individual journeys but come together to create a unit that supports and encourages each other-- a journey of one surrounded and supported by many. 

I am proud to be a part of something bigger than myself and I am proud that I have stayed committed to the process.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

The one piece of advice I would give to someone considering doing this program, who truly is ready to transform their life, is to take that first step, pick up the phone and commit 100% by signing up for the entire year! Without health you have nothing. Trust the process and commit to doing everything you are asked to do during the program. If you do that you will find success.

How do you feel now? 

Terrific, awesome and honored to be a part of this great program.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?

The commitment everyone at DBC makese to making our journey a success.

How has this journey changed your life? 

Beside the almost 70 pounds I have lost, I am living my life with joy for the first time in years thanks to all I have learn at Destination Boot Camp. I love this program!"

Are you ready to transform your life? Do you see parts of our story in Karen's? If I can tell you one thing, it's never too late change. If you're ready for change, click here to find out what your next step should be. 

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