How did you feel before DBC?
Before DBC I felt out of control. I had lost weight before, 50 pounds. I was successful for the first year. Then my weight started to creep up. The program I was in did not work on the mind. No real life homework.
At DBC in Sept 2015 |
The Journey will take as long as it takes!
What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am proud that I have not given up. I am grateful that Destination Boot Camp State of Slim is a yearlong program.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
Just do it! Be careful what you wish for it will happen
NOW! In January 2016, just 4 months later.
Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
Actually, it has been a struggle. I am relatively new to the State of Slim Lifestyle having gone to DBC 8, the September 2015 Class.
After the week at DBC, I was on a high. I knew going home is where the real work would start. Getting through the holidays was tough! Too many temptations. Since this is a Lifestyle Change, I am learning to embrace the good times as well as the tough ones. My Journey is better than I thought it would be. Not in terms of the weight loss, since I have not lost that much, but in terms of the support from my Team #BEAST. People who, after meeting total strangers, have become family to me.
How do you feel now?
I love my Life! All the pieces fit. When I am happy my marriage works better. Life is better.
What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
The program incorporates the Food, the Exercise and the Mind to change your lifestyle. A weight has been lifted off of me. I know I can succeed because I have the tools and support needed to be successful in all parts of my life.
How has this journey changed your life?
I feel confident and proud of my accomplishments. In November 2015, I ran the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Half Marathon together with about 50 of my new FB friends, “From Fat to Finish Line.”
Because of my new confidence I was able to work the Runners Expo and meet MEB Keflezighi, winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon. This was my 17th Half and a best time finish. After the race I saw someone who I wanted to meet, but my former self never would have tried. My new confidant self-ran right up to Chris Powell and told him because his show, it introduced me to the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center and my life was changed forever.
I still struggle daily. I have set up a support system of meeting with my personal trainer 2 times a week in the morning to work on core and strength so I have no excuse to stay in bed. I signed up on a Team: Fabulous and Furious Four to run 2016 miles in 2016, so I have no excuse not to exercise daily. I shop and prep foods weekly so I have no excuses for eating the wrong foods. I attend my video classes and try to do the homework because I know to “Trust the Process.”