Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

Living LARGE! Isha

Meet Isha!

How did you feel before DBC?
Before DBC I felt out of control.  I had lost weight before, 50 pounds.  I was successful for the first year.  Then my weight started to creep up.   The program I was in did not work on the mind.  No real life homework.

At DBC in Sept 2015

What has become your biggest “Aha “or breakthrough moment?
The Journey will take as long as it takes!

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am proud that I have not given up.  I am grateful that Destination Boot Camp State of Slim is a yearlong program.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

Just do it!  Be careful what you wish for it will happen

NOW! In January 2016, just 4 months later.

Remember when you started this journey?  How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
Actually, it has been a struggle.  I am relatively new to the State of Slim Lifestyle having gone to DBC 8, the September 2015 Class.  

After the week at DBC, I was on a high.  I knew going home is where the real work would start.  Getting through the holidays was tough!  Too many temptations.  Since this is a Lifestyle Change, I am learning to embrace the good times as well as the tough ones.  My Journey is better than I thought it would be.  Not in terms of the weight loss, since I have not lost that much, but in terms of the support from my Team #BEAST.  People who, after meeting total strangers, have become family to me.

How do you feel now?
I love my Life!  All the pieces fit.  When I am happy my marriage works better. Life is better.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
The program incorporates the Food, the Exercise and the Mind to change your lifestyle.  A weight has been lifted off of me.  I know I can succeed because I have the tools and support needed to be successful in all parts of my life.

 How has this journey changed your life?
I feel confident and proud of my accomplishments.  In November 2015, I ran the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Half Marathon together with about 50 of my new FB friends, “From Fat to Finish Line.”  

Because of my new confidence I was able to work the Runners Expo and meet MEB Keflezighi, winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon.  This was my 17th Half and a best time finish.  After the race I saw someone who I wanted to meet, but my former self never would have tried.  My new confidant self-ran right up to Chris Powell and told him because his show, it introduced me to the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center and my life was changed forever. 

I still struggle daily.  I have set up a support system of meeting with my personal trainer 2 times a week in the morning to work on core and strength so I have no excuse to stay in bed. I signed up on a Team: Fabulous and Furious Four to run 2016 miles in 2016, so I have no excuse not to exercise daily. I shop and prep foods weekly so I have no excuses for eating the wrong foods.  I attend my video classes and try to do the homework because I know to “Trust the Process.” 

Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Matt

Matt came to Destination Boot Camp in July of 2015... and in just 6 short months, this is where he stands now. 

How did you feel before DBC?

Fat, weak, discouraged, but determined to follow the program no matter what.

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it? 

It has been so much more than a weight loss program. It has been a transformation of my life toward good health and a healthy attitude.

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment? 

I went backpacking about a month after Boot Camp. Activities like that had become so difficult. On this trip I remembered how much joy there was in feeling strong and capable in the wilderness. After that there was no turning back for me.

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 

I’m grateful for the support of the team. Success depends on more than diet and exercise. It is essential to have others with me on this journey.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

Do it. Put aside the excuses. Find the money. Find the time. Commit to it.

How do you feel now? 

Lighter. Stronger. Confident. Adventurous. 

How has this journey changed your life? 

This program is not something to get through so I can get on with my life. This is how my life is now and will continue to be.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Jillian

How did you feel before DBC?
Before DBC I was miserable!  I put on a happy face for everyone, but inside I was dying.  I didn't even recognize the person standing in front of me when I looked in the mirror.  For so long I just told myself.... I'm not that big, but I knew I was, and just didn't know how to change!!!

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thouht going into it? 
I knew this had to be it for me!  If I was going to be given this opportunity, I was going to commit!  In the beginning it was easy, I was so determined and the weight was coming off fast.  The more time that goes on, and weight loss has slowed, I realize that there is no end to this. This is my new life.  I am a very visual person.  If I can see the beginning and the end, I am all in..... I think knowing there is no end, is the is hardest part mentally for me.  But I feel so much better, and choosing this hard will always win over the miserable girl I was before!   

Notice she's wearing the same shirt, one year apart! Just fits a little differently :)

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment? 
My biggest Aha moment has been realizing that most healthy, fit people work for it every day!  I think I had the idea that I was just out of luck when it came to the good body department.  SO not true!  But now I am on my way to that, and I am loving working out and feeling strong! 
What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I am most proud of the fact that I haven't quit!  That's what I love so much about DBC and the State of Slim program.  It gives you the tools you need both physically and mentally to make this a lifestyle.  The support from other people going through the same thing as I am is very motivating!

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
To anyone who is considering going to DBC or doing State of Slim, my advice is jump in with both feet and never look back!  I can promise you along with all the other people who have been through this program, it will truly change your life!  

How do you feel now? 
Today I feel, confident, strong, happy, healthy and so much more knowledgeable about my health and what my body needs to be at its best!!!  I can't wait to see how much better I can feel when I have reached my weight loss goal!!

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
The most valuable part of DBC to me has been the wealth of information we are taught.  Anyone can give you an exercise and eating plan.  But DBC is like a year long therapy session for my food addiction!  The support you have after you leave Anschutz is immeasurable!!! 

How has this journey changed your life? 
This journey has changed my life in so many ways.  I am finally living life, instead of watching it from the sidelines!  I am actively participating with my children, am a better wife and mother, and am finally truly happy again!  I will never be able to say thank you enough for having been given this opportunity!  The best is yet to come :) 

Senin, 11 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Mickey

Meet Mickey! 


How did you feel before DBC?  
I had already started to lose weight, but I felt alone.  I had lost a major amount of weight at least twice in my life, but I never had a plan for how to keep it off.  Throughout my life is was either on a diet or eating.  Before Destination Boot Camp, I was not confident that I would reach my goal or that I could keep my weight off and I also felt that I was on this weight loss journey alone.


Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thouht going into it? 
I thought this journey would be only about weight loss, I did not realize that it was going to change me as much as it did.  I am finding my purpose in life, and this journey has made me a better person.  I never imagined that I would form such bonds with my teammates and how much we care for each other.

I strongly believe that I am for the first time in my life not on a diet but on a plan.  I am learning how to eat, the changes in the scale do to what I eat (including my indulgence meals) and most importantly I am learning how to eat.  I tell everyone that I have never eaten so much food and lost this much weight.


What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?  
During boot camp my aha moment was the “How do you want to be day” – I realized I wanted to be strong, fit and not be out of shape.  My “aha” moments now are that I am learning how to eat like a “normal” person, most people who are at healthy weight do not each junk every day, and I now know that the key to success for me is food prep.

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 
I am grateful for so many things, Dr. Holly, DBC, Kristin Speaker – my coach, my teammates, for having been given the opportunity to experience DBC, for being given every single tool I need to lose weight and maintain my weight loss.  I have a food plan, an exercise plan, a support group and I was given such an enormous amount of  mental support at boot camp and throughout the next phase to put me in the right mind set to lose weight.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
Just do it! You have nothing to lose except weight. What I would really say is that this plan works.  I would also tell them that I knew I needed help as I was never successful in losing weight and maintaining the weight loss on my own but with all that I have learned from DBC I am confident that I will be successful – I already am successful.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?  
I have a plan in place for the rest of my life!  

How has this journey changed your life? 
The have been so many changes in how I live my life.  I who picked up food or ordered in now food prep.  I was ALWAYS an evening person I now choose to go to the gym at 6:30 or 7 am!  I am trying to take care of myself.  I am definitely a more grateful person.  I feel empowered and confident.  This journey has made my entire life better.  It has even made me a better manager at work, as I really want to mentor the people in my department and them excel.  I am a much better person!!!

How do you feel now? 
I feel happy and empowered.

Are you ready to change your life? Check out State of Slim and Destination Boot Camp to jump start your transformation.

Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Stasi

I'm so proud of each and every one of you who have been willing to put your story out there. If you haven't gone public yet, DO IT! Once you bring the things that you've been hiding into the light, not only do the secrets lose their power, but you open yourself up to a world of support.

I'm excited to share this Going Public story from Stasi, who is currently in the middle of her weight loss journey and on the road of hitting her goal:

1.    How did you feel before DBC?

Before making the leap and signing up for DBC, I was feeling desperate.  I had tried, tried and tried some more to have victory over my eating habits and weight but I was struggling AGAIN.  I can’t say that I was hopeless because it was hope that brought me searching for help but I was running very low on it.  I knew that I needed a program that went beyond food and calorie counting and addressed the deeper issues in me that led to my overeating and feelings of being out of control.

When I found DBC, I found what I was looking for.

(on left)

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it? 

I am reminded that in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare – it was the tortoise that won the race.  In the past, I have done weight loss programs that offered speedy results.  I’ve had success at many of them.  But the quicker I lost the weight, the quicker it came back on.  And then some.  Classic.  This time, following the State of Slim program, the rule is slow and steady.  As in S.L.O.W. and steady.  I’m not after a quick fix.  I’m after a life long change. 

I honestly thought I would have lost more weight than I have at this point into my DBC journey (6 months in and 40 pounds down with 30 more to go).  But I am not discouraged.  The changes in my life go way beyond the scale and I am confident that I will meet my goals.  I am on my way.  I am confident that this tortoise is going to win and the results are going to last.

3.    What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?

A breakthrough moment for me was when my weight loss stalled.  Rather than get discouraged and go back to old habits, (as in, “What the heck?!?!  This is not working anymore, I might as well eat as many donuts as I want!”) I stuck with the program knowing that soon my body would be ready to begin losing again.  And it did.  The “Aha” moment was recognizing the change in me – I’m not in this for 6 weeks or even 6 months but for the rest of my life!

I believe I can succeed so I will succeed.


What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 

I’m grateful for the community of DBC’ers and all the support from my fellow companions and the amazing coaches.  They inspire and encourage me every day!  With their help, I’ve put into practice much that is changing the way I approach my life, my attitudes and my daily practices.  I’m proud of how much stronger I’ve become and so grateful for the community that I am a part of!

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

I would tell them that this isn’t merely a short-term diet protocol to follow until you reach your goals.  This is a lifestyle change.  This takes commitment coupled with fiery desire and if you have that – I can’t recommend the program highly enough.  It will work.  It will change your life.  You can do it.  You can achieve your goals and you can hold on to them.  Take the leap.

How do you feel now? 

Hopeful.  Confident.  Supported.  Expectant.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?

The most valuable part is a challenge to choose.  The Phases, the recipes, the plan to follow are all incredibly helpful and lead to results.  But I’d have to say it’s the ongoing support via the community and coaches that is the most valuable part!  I am not doing it alone and when I fail or fall, there is someone (or MANY someone’s!) who believe in me and encourage me to get back up and press on!  I love doing this with others!

How has this journey changed your life? 

It’s made me more mindful of my inner world.  It’s helped me to dream of where I want to go and also believe that I will.  It’s helped me to step out of my comfort zone and stretch myself in so MANY ways!  My confidence is soaring.  My desires are re-awakening.  I’m living my life more fully than ever!

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Steve

Are you ready to live large? Are you ready to end the year differently? Are you ready to lose weight and keep it off. I know that's something we hear all of the time, but I want to encourage you and say that it IS possible. Steve started Destination Boot Camp in 2015, and he is an amazing example of that. 

How did you feel before DBC?

I was frustrated and disappointed about the fact that I had put back nearly all of the weight I had lost 4 years before. I kept thinking I could do it on my own and realized that it was just not going to happen without help.

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it? 

The frustration has been replaced with pride and a sense of accomplishment. Never before have I lost weight without some type of “program” of meal replacements or injections. This is simply eating right and getting lots of exercise, everything that we all know makes sense.

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment? 

When I got back from DBC, I went for a walk with my wife and son on trails that are 2 miles from my home. I saw people on mountain bikes and thought that looked like fun. I’m now a 4-5 day per week mountain biker and I absolutely love it. Most days I ride alone, but I do ride with a friend on Thursdays. It helps clear my head and it’s great exercise.

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 

I’m proud of the fact that I’m back into clothes that I haven’t worn in years. My strength is coming back and I’m getting physically fit. I must say, it never stops getting old when people keep telling me how great I look.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

You have to have gotten to that point where you feel like you just can’t continue the same way anymore and that something has to change. If you haven’t reached that point and don’t feel like you are ready to commit to a lifestyle change, don’t go at it half-hearted. I was ready and I needed something to get me jump started. Destination Boot Camp was absolutely the best decision for me.

How do you feel now? 

I feel much better, physically and mentally. I have greater energy and I see my conditioning continuing to improve. That’s the nice thing about the mountain biking, the improvements are noticeable. I ride a new hill here, maybe a little longer. It feels great to conquer a new challenge.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?

It was the spark I needed to learn about a lifestyle change. The staff and the other DBC’ers are all incredible people and we have bonded to create a supportive new community.

How has this journey changed your life? 

I don’t feel ashamed of how I look. We are a big Disney family and I am not embarrassed about going on rides, or having to skip them completely. My new fitness routine is something I look forward to daily.

Are you ready for change? Click here to start your transformation. 

Senin, 04 Januari 2016

LIVE LARGE in 2016

A FOREVER change requires a transformation of mind, body and spirit. It requires being fearless and not sitting on the sidelines until something happens! It is about living NOW and LIVING “LARGE” in 2016. The 8 week Challenge is designed to make your short-term RESolutions into a REVolution and produce a long lasting FOREVER change in 2016! Watch my video to get started:

1.    8 Week Challenge

2.    Official Start Date: January 4, 2016 to January 14, 2016
Official End Date: February 29, 2016 to March 10, 2016
 3.    Each person sets a specific 8 week mind, body or spirit goal they want to work on in 2016. It could a weight loss goal, fitness goal, stress reduction or mindset goal. Anything you would like to see change FOREVER in 2016.
 4.    Each person agrees to

  • Be fearless, LIVE “LARGE” and declare their 8 week goal on the Dr. Holly Facebook page.  
  • Share a weekly accountability update for 8 weeks on what and how they are doing on the Dr. Holly FB page.
  • Complete a weekly homework assignment posted on the Dr. Holly page designed to “get their mind right”, keep their internal motivation strong and push them to Live “LARGE” in 2016!
  • Support and inspire others on the page.
5.    Three autographed State of Slim Books will be given away to the best Live LARGE in 2016 Challenge participants!