Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Living LARGE: Steve

Are you ready to live large? Are you ready to end the year differently? Are you ready to lose weight and keep it off. I know that's something we hear all of the time, but I want to encourage you and say that it IS possible. Steve started Destination Boot Camp in 2015, and he is an amazing example of that. 

How did you feel before DBC?

I was frustrated and disappointed about the fact that I had put back nearly all of the weight I had lost 4 years before. I kept thinking I could do it on my own and realized that it was just not going to happen without help.

Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it? 

The frustration has been replaced with pride and a sense of accomplishment. Never before have I lost weight without some type of “program” of meal replacements or injections. This is simply eating right and getting lots of exercise, everything that we all know makes sense.

What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment? 

When I got back from DBC, I went for a walk with my wife and son on trails that are 2 miles from my home. I saw people on mountain bikes and thought that looked like fun. I’m now a 4-5 day per week mountain biker and I absolutely love it. Most days I ride alone, but I do ride with a friend on Thursdays. It helps clear my head and it’s great exercise.

What are you most proud of/grateful for so far? 

I’m proud of the fact that I’m back into clothes that I haven’t worn in years. My strength is coming back and I’m getting physically fit. I must say, it never stops getting old when people keep telling me how great I look.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?

You have to have gotten to that point where you feel like you just can’t continue the same way anymore and that something has to change. If you haven’t reached that point and don’t feel like you are ready to commit to a lifestyle change, don’t go at it half-hearted. I was ready and I needed something to get me jump started. Destination Boot Camp was absolutely the best decision for me.

How do you feel now? 

I feel much better, physically and mentally. I have greater energy and I see my conditioning continuing to improve. That’s the nice thing about the mountain biking, the improvements are noticeable. I ride a new hill here, maybe a little longer. It feels great to conquer a new challenge.

What has been the most valuable part of DBC?

It was the spark I needed to learn about a lifestyle change. The staff and the other DBC’ers are all incredible people and we have bonded to create a supportive new community.

How has this journey changed your life? 

I don’t feel ashamed of how I look. We are a big Disney family and I am not embarrassed about going on rides, or having to skip them completely. My new fitness routine is something I look forward to daily.

Are you ready for change? Click here to start your transformation. 

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