I'm excited to share this Going Public story from Stasi, who is currently in the middle of her weight loss journey and on the road of hitting her goal:
1. How did you feel before DBC?
Before making the leap and signing up for DBC, I was feeling desperate. I had tried, tried and tried some more to have victory over my eating habits and weight but I was struggling AGAIN. I can’t say that I was hopeless because it was hope that brought me searching for help but I was running very low on it. I knew that I needed a program that went beyond food and calorie counting and addressed the deeper issues in me that led to my overeating and feelings of being out of control.
When I found DBC, I found what I was looking for.
Remember when you started this journey? How does your weight loss journey now compare to what you thought going into it?
I am reminded that in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare – it was the tortoise that won the race. In the past, I have done weight loss programs that offered speedy results. I’ve had success at many of them. But the quicker I lost the weight, the quicker it came back on. And then some. Classic. This time, following the State of Slim program, the rule is slow and steady. As in S.L.O.W. and steady. I’m not after a quick fix. I’m after a life long change.
I honestly thought I would have lost more weight than I have at this point into my DBC journey (6 months in and 40 pounds down with 30 more to go). But I am not discouraged. The changes in my life go way beyond the scale and I am confident that I will meet my goals. I am on my way. I am confident that this tortoise is going to win and the results are going to last.
3. What has been your biggest "Aha" or breakthrough moment?
A breakthrough moment for me was when my weight loss stalled. Rather than get discouraged and go back to old habits, (as in, “What the heck?!?! This is not working anymore, I might as well eat as many donuts as I want!”) I stuck with the program knowing that soon my body would be ready to begin losing again. And it did. The “Aha” moment was recognizing the change in me – I’m not in this for 6 weeks or even 6 months but for the rest of my life!
I believe I can succeed so I will succeed.
What are you most proud of/grateful for so far?
I’m grateful for the community of DBC’ers and all the support from my fellow companions and the amazing coaches. They inspire and encourage me every day! With their help, I’ve put into practice much that is changing the way I approach my life, my attitudes and my daily practices. I’m proud of how much stronger I’ve become and so grateful for the community that I am a part of!
If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering this journey, what would it be?
I would tell them that this isn’t merely a short-term diet protocol to follow until you reach your goals. This is a lifestyle change. This takes commitment coupled with fiery desire and if you have that – I can’t recommend the program highly enough. It will work. It will change your life. You can do it. You can achieve your goals and you can hold on to them. Take the leap.
How do you feel now?
Hopeful. Confident. Supported. Expectant.
What has been the most valuable part of DBC?
The most valuable part is a challenge to choose. The Phases, the recipes, the plan to follow are all incredibly helpful and lead to results. But I’d have to say it’s the ongoing support via the community and coaches that is the most valuable part! I am not doing it alone and when I fail or fall, there is someone (or MANY someone’s!) who believe in me and encourage me to get back up and press on! I love doing this with others!
How has this journey changed your life?
It’s made me more mindful of my inner world. It’s helped me to dream of where I want to go and also believe that I will. It’s helped me to step out of my comfort zone and stretch myself in so MANY ways! My confidence is soaring. My desires are re-awakening. I’m living my life more fully than ever!
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