Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Destination Boot Camp Success Story: Shelley

Shelley's sister, Georgeanna Johnson, lost 165 pounds on Season 4 of Extreme Weight Loss last year. At Georgeanna's finale reveal, she Paid it Forward, giving Shelley a one-week scholarship to see me at Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp last October. Most people who attend boot camp have made the personal decision to come and have gotten to a place in their life where they're ready for transformation. In Shelley's case, someone chose transformation for her. That can be a hurdle to overcome -taking responsibility for your own transformation and really owning it- but since that week in Colorado, Shelley dove in head-first and has lost over 40 pounds!

And as a bonus, her sister Georgeanna came to Colorado for June Destination Boot Camp as one of our transformation coaches and paid it forward in another way, by motivating and encouraging people just starting out. Check out Shelley's story below:

What was the moment like when you realized your sister nominated you to attend DBC?
I attended the finale taping in LA and was sitting on the front row with the rest of our family and Heidi Powell. After Georgeanna’s final weigh-in, Chris mentioned something about “paying it forward” and “boot camp”. He asked Georgeanna if she had anyone in mind. When she said, “I do”. He asked, “Are they here tonight?” The second Georgeanna said, “She is”, I knew. She began crying and I began crying. I know she said other things, but I don’t remember a lot of it. I was so overwhelmed that I really couldn’t control my emotions at that point. A powerful moment, for sure!

How did you feel before DBC?
I was nervous, anxious, scared, apprehensive and excited all at the same time. I knew what Georgeanna had been through during her 90 days at Anschutz, so I had an inkling of what I was in for. While I was grateful for the gift, I was scared out of my wits!

When did you realize you were actually transforming?
While I was still at boot camp. The other boot campers had chosen to be there. The experience had been thrust upon me. I wasn’t miserable with my life before I got there…or, at least, I had convinced myself I wasn’t. For the first day or so, I just tried to get my head around the fact that I was there and it was really happening. As Dr. Holly and Dr. Denise started giving us exercises to work on the mindset piece, it clicked and I realized this could be and should be a huge change in my life.
How do you feel now?
I feel great! I’ve lost over 40 pounds since boot camp. I work out 6 days a week, follow State of Slim, keep up with my DBC family…I didn’t realize how badly I felt before DBC until the weight came off. I really can’t believe I lived so long with that extra baggage. (mentally and physically) Feeling normal and healthy feels amazing?

What are you most proud of with your transformation journey?
That I stuck with it. Like I mentioned before, going to DBC was not a decision I made myself. I never hit a rock bottom, never got to the point where I felt desperate and wanted to change, never had a health scare to motivate me to lose weight…But, once the pounds starting coming off and I realized how much better life like this was than the life I was leading when I was 40 pounds heavier, there was no way I was going to stop and go back to the old me.
What is the biggest lesson/takeaway you've had through DBC?
That it’s hard and that’s okay. My “aha moment” at DBC was a class that Dr. Holly led. She had us list what we thought was hard about being overweight and out of shape. We then had to make a similar list of reasons eating healthy and exercising were hard. The takeaway was that BOTH of these are hard. It’s hard to be overweight and out of shape. It’s hard to find time to exercise, eat clean and be healthy. If they are both hard, why in the heck have I been choosing overweight and out of shape?!?!  I chose the exercise, eating right and healthy hard. I wake up every morning (at 4:15 a.m. these days to make it to the gym at 5:00 a.m.!) and choose to go with the challenge of staying healthy. Beats the heck out of the other option!

How has your relationship with Georgeanna, someone who has done this too, effected your journey? 
It has been great to have someone so close to me know what I’m going through. While I have my DBC family to lean on, it’s different to have my sister there. She “gets” every challenge I’ve faced because she’s been there. She gets the emotional challenge of dealing with a new body and how crazy it seems to feel overwhelmed when trying on smaller sizes that you never thought you would wear. (I called her crying from a dressing room the first time I went shopping for new clothes) She also gets how amazing it feels to have a new lease on life. We had a close relationship before this journey and this has brought us even closer. I don’t think I can ever tell her how much I appreciate her giving me the gift of DBC. Best gift ever.

If you're interested in going to Boot Camp, we're Paying it Forward by offering four SPRI Better Every Day Scholarships to Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot CampTM .at University of Colorado Anschutz Health & Wellness Center. The deadline to apply is July 31st. Apply here

"Extreme Weight Loss," "Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp" and "Destination Boot Camp" are each a trademark of 3 Ball Entertainment LLC and are used under license. All rights reserved.

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